txtime – set 802.1x TX timeout period
Additional information:
Enable is used to enable the 802.1x authentication function.
Disable is used to disable the 802.1x function.
Authmode is used to set the authentication mode for a physical port. The syntax is:
set dot1x authmode [port#] [auto|fa|fu|no]
auto: the authentication mode of the port depending on the authentication result of the port
(force-authenticated): will force the port always being authentication successful in
802.1x process and the real authentication result will be ignored.
fu: (force-unauthenticated): will force the port always being authentication the is
unsuccessful in 802.1x process and the real authentication result will be ignored.
none: 802.1x function will not be executed on the port, i.e. disabled on the port.
Authport is used to set the handshaking port number between the switch and RADIUS
server. It could be different for different RADIUS servers.
Quiettime is used to set the quiet time value between the switch and the user before next
authentication process when authentication fails.
Re_au is used to enable the re-authentication function of the switch. When the re-
authentication time is up, the switch will start the re-authentication process.
Reauthcnt is used to set max count for re-authentication request in the re-authentication
process. If the max count is met, it will become un-authentication state. The valid value is
Reauthtime is used to set the timeout period of the re-authentication process.
Reqcnt is used to set max request timeout count between the switch and RADIUS server
before authentication fails. The valid value is 1~10.
Rsip is used to set the IP address of RADIUS server.
Shkey is used to set the security key between the switch and RADIUS server.
Supptime is used to set the timeout value between the switch and users (called "supplicant"
in 802.1x) after first identification. The valid value is 0~65535.
Svrtime is used to set the request timeout value between the switch and RADIUS server.
The valid value is 0~65535.
Transparent is used to set the operation of 802.1x function to transparent mode. In this
mode, the switch will only forward the 802.1x packets.
Txtime is used to set the timeout value for the identification request from the switch to
users. The request will be re-tried until the reauthcnt is met. After that, an authentication
fail message will be sent. The valid value is 0~65535.
Note: This switch supports MD5, TLS and PEAP authentication types.
Set name and password for guest
Enable or disable GVRP protocol
Enable or disable HTTP protocol
supptime – set 802.1x supplicant
timeout period
svrtime – set 802.1x server
timeout period
transparent – set 802.1x as
transparent mode
set gvrp [1|2] <1=enable;
set http enable [or disable]
2600M, User's Manual, 02/07
Page 14