hit counter code

HP 64767 User Manual page 559

Table of Contents


physical characteristics, 479
plugging into a target system, 48
probe cable length, 479
running from target reset, 145
specifications and characteristics, 476-479
status lines, predefined values for, 205
using the, 130
weight, 479
emulator configuration
break processor on write to ROM, 128
exiting the configuration interface, 111
foreground cycles, locking, 119
foreground monitor location, 118
load command, 371
loading from file, 111
modify command, 374
modifying a configuration section, 106
monitor entry after, 115
processor type, 112
restrict to real-time runs, 114
run address conversion, 113
starting the configuration interface, 104
storing, 108
target memory access size, 113
trace background/foreground operation, 128
emulator limitations, external DMA support, 122
emulator probe
active, 547
cable length, 479
pin alignment, 53
emulator status, displaying, 186
emulator/analyzer interface
exiting, 43, 65-66
running in multiple windows, 59
starting, 59-62
end command, 43, 66, 363
pod commands, 98
simulated io, 188
entry buffer, 27
address copy-and-paste to, 75


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