Chapter 13: Error Messages
Terminal Interface Messages
Unable to reload old memory map; hardware state unknown
Cause: System failure.
Action: Run performance verification (Terminal Interface pv command).
Memory modify aborted; next address: %s
Cause: This message is displayed if a break occurs during processing of a modify
memory command. The break could result from any of the break conditions
(except a software breakpoint) or could have resulted from a <CTRL>c break.
Action: Retry the operation. If breaks are occurring continuously, you may wish to
disable some of the break conditions.
Invalid firmware for emulation subsystem
Cause: This error occurs when the HP 64700 system controller determines that the
emulation firmware (ROM) is invalid.
Action: This message is not likely to occur unless you have upgraded the ROMs in
your emulator. Be sure that the correct ROM is installed in the emulation controller.
Invalid analysis subsystem; product address: %s
Cause: This error occurs when the HP 64700 system controller determines that the
analysis firmware (ROM) is invalid.
Action: This message is not likely to occur unless you have upgraded the ROMs in
your emulator. Be sure that the correct ROMs are installed in the analyzer board.
Invalid ET subsystem; product address: %s
Cause: Detects an invalid ET. Used only internally.
Invalid auxiliary subsystem; product address: %s
Cause: For future products.
Lab firmware for emulation subsystem
Cause: This message should never occur. It shows that you have an unreleased
version of emulation firmware.