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Running Measurements And Creating Reports; To Run Performance Measurements - HP 64767 User Manual

Table of Contents


Chapter 8: Making Software Performance Measurements

Running Measurements and Creating Reports

Several performance measurement tasks are the same whether you are making
activity or duration measurements.
This section describes how to:
Run performance measurements.
End performance measurements.
Create a performance measurement report.

To run performance measurements

• Use the performance_measurement_run command.
The performance_measurement_run command processes analyzer trace data.
When you end the performance measurement, this processed data is dumped to the
binary "perf.out" file in the current directory. The perf32 report generator utility is
used to read the binary information in the "perf.out" file.
If the performance_measurement_run command is entered without a count, the
current trace data is processed. If a count is specified, the current trace command is
executed consecutively the number of times specified. The data that results from
each trace command is processed and combined with the existing processed data.
The STATUS line will say "Processing trace <NO.>" during the run so you will
know how your measurement is progressing. The only way to stop this series of
traces is by using <CTRL>c (sig INT).
The more traces you include in your sample, the more accurate will be your results.
At least four consecutive traces are required to obtain statistical interpretation of
activity measurement results.
Running Measurements and Creating Reports


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