hit counter code

HP 64767 User Manual page 557

Table of Contents


display area, 27
columns, 307
copying to a file, 185
lines, 307-308
display command, 343-344
data, 345-347
error_log, 343
event_log, 344
global_symbols, 348
I/O ports, 349-350
local_symbols_in, 351
memory, 352-355
memory mnemonic, 33, 169
pod_command, 344
registers, 163-167, 356
simulated_io, 187, 357
software_breakpoints, 358
status, 194, 344
symbols, 133
trace, 198, 359-362
display mode, 547
display trace, 220-231
about line number, 221
absolute format, 222
count absolute/relative, 228
default, 230
external data, 231
mnemonic format, 223
offset by, 229
positioning, left/right, 199
positioning, up/down, 199
source line inclusion, 224
symbol information inclusion, 226
width of columns, 227
displays, copying, 334
don't care digits, 202
downloading absolute files, 5, 131
dual-port emulation memory, 114
duration measurements (SPMT), 254-262
average time, 259
confidence level, 260


Table of Contents

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