Hewlett-Packard SA3000 Series VPN Client Deployment Tool Release Notes
9. Type jsm -r jsm-default. (This removes the
NT/2000 service.)
10. In the Windows Control Panel, click Add/Remove
Programs to remove each of the each of the following VPN
Client Deployment Tool components:
VPN Client Deployment Tool Servlet (when you
remove this, both the servlet and the rest of the JRun
files are removed)
VPN Client Deployment Tool Manager
Note: The VPN Client Deployment Tool Manager and
Database components could be installed on separate devices
from the VPN Client Deployment Tool Servlet components.
11. Delete the following files and folders (if they exist):
c:\Program Files\HP SA3000 VPN\VPN Client
Deployment Tool\smdt
12. Restart the computer.
If you plan to reinstall the same release of the VPN Client
Deployment Tool, do not empty the Recycle Bin until the
reinstallation is successfully completed.