memory recommendations
HP 9000, 508
SPARCsystem, 509
editing command line with popup, 93
hand pointer means popup, 27, 79
pulldown operation with keyboard, 77
pulldown operation with mouse, 76-77
Terminal Interface error, 453
mnemonic information in trace listing, 256
mnemonic memory display, 33, 199
setting the source/symbol modes, 206
modes, source/symbol, 206
modify command, 378-383
configuration, 379
keyboard_to_simio, 380
memory, 380
register, 197, 381
software_breakpoints, 381
modify_command, trace command option, 230
module duration measurements (SPMT), 284
module usage measurements (SPMT), 284
monitor (emulation)
address of, 126, 129
comparison of foreground/background, 124
foreground monitor filename, 129
foreground or background, 123-132
function of, 123
selecting, 123-132
selecting entry after configuration, 120
Motif, HP 9000/700 requirements, 508
buttons, 29
choosing menu items, 76-77
copy-and-paste from entry buffer, 84
copy-and-paste to entry buffer, 81
multiple commands, 95
multiple emulator start/stop, 5