hit counter code

HP 64751 User Manual page 465

Graphical user interface
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Action: Run performance verification (Terminal Interface pv command), and
check target system.
Undefined software breakpoint: %s
Cause: The emulator has encountered a software breakpoint in your program that
was not inserted with the modify software_breakpoints set command.
Action: Remove the breakpoint instructions in your code before assembly and link.
Unable to run after CMB break
Cause: System failure or target condition.
Action: Run performance verification (Terminal Interface pv command), and
check target system.
Unable to break
Cause: This message is displayed if the emulator is unable to break to the monitor
because the emulation processor is reset, halted, or is otherwise disabled.
Action: First, look at the emulation prompt and other status messages displayed to
determine why the processor is stopped. If reset by the emulation controller, use
the break command to break to the monitor. If reset by the emulation system,
release that reset. If halted, try reset and break to get to the monitor. If there is a
bus grant, wait for the requesting device to release the bus before retrying the
command. If there is no clock input, perhaps your target system is faulty. It's also
possible that you have configured the emulator to restrict to real time runs, which
will prohibit temporary breaks to the monitor.
Unable to run
Cause: System failure or target condition.
Action: Run performance verification (Terminal Interface pv command), and
check target system.
Break caused by CMB not ready
Cause: This status message is printed during coordinated measurements if the
CMB READY line goes false. The emulator breaks to the monitor. When CMB
Chapter 12: Error Messages
Terminal Interface Messages


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