hit counter code

HP 64751 User Manual page 412

Graphical user interface
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Chapter 11: Emulator/Analyzer Interface Commands
This parameter is a symbolic reference to an address, address range, file, or other
value. Symbols may be:
The Symbolic Retrieval Utilities (SRU) handle symbol scoping and referencing.
These utilities build trees to identify unique symbol scopes.
If you use the SRU utilities to build a symbol database before entering the
emulation environment, the measurements involving a particular symbol request
will occur immediately. If you then change a module and reenter the emulation
environment without rebuilding the symbol database, the emulation software
rebuilds the changed portions of the database in increments as necessary.
Further information regarding the SRU and symbol handling is available in the
Symbolic Retrieval Utilities User's Guide. Also refer to that manual for
information on the HP64KSYMBPATH environment variable.
The last symbol specified in a display local_symbols_in --SYMB-- command, or
with the cws command, is the default symbol scope. The default is "none" if no
current working symbol was set in the current emulation session.
You also can specify the current working symbol by typing the cws command on
the command line and following it with a symbol name. The pws command
displays the current working symbol on the status line.
Display memory mnemonic also can modify the current working symbol.
Note that if no default file was defined by executing the command display
local_symbols_in --SYMB--, or with the cws command, a source file name
(<FILE>) must be specified with each local symbol in a command line.
Combinations of paths, filenames, and identifiers defining a scope, or
referencing a particular identifier or location (including procedure entry and
exit points).
Combinations of paths, filenames, and line numbers referencing a particular
source line.
Combinations of paths, filenames, and segment identifiers identifying a
particular PROG, DATA or COMN segment or a user-defined segment.


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