Chapter 12: Error Messages
Graphical/Softkey Interface Messages - Unnumbered
/usr/hp64000/etc/ (or 64700tab) file. You may have to cycle power
and use emul700 -u ,logical name> to unlock the system.
Emul700dmn sem op failed, perhaps kernel limits too low
Cause: The host system could not start the emulation session; there may be too
many processes running on the host system.
Action: Make sure the host system is operating properly, and is not overloaded with
currently executing processes. Stop or remove some processes on the system. Also,
verify that the semaphore capabilities have been installed in the UNIX kernel. Then
try starting the emulation session again.
Emul700dmn version incompatible with this product
Cause: The emulation session could not begin because the version of the HP 64700
emulator daemon executable on host system is not compatible with the version of
the Softkey Interface you are using.
Action: Make sure the software has been properly installed. Then try starting the
emulator again.
<LOGICAL NAME>: End, continuing
Cause: This is a status message. The emulation session is being exited with the end
command. When you restart the emulation session later, it will continue using the
same settings as in the session you just ended. The emulator logical name is located
in the /usr/hp64000/etc/ (or 64700tab) file.
<LOGICAL NAME>: End, released
Cause: This is a status message. The emulation session is being exited with the end
release_system command. When the session has ended, the emulator is released,
meaning that others can access and use it. When you restart the emulation session
later, the new session will use all default settings. The emulator logical name is
located in the /usr/hp64000/etc/ (or 64700tab) file.
Ending released
Cause: This is a status message. The emulation session is being exited with the end
release_system. The emulator will be released for others to access and use it.