When the trace specification is satisfied and trace memory is filled, a message will
appear on the status line indicating the trace is complete. You can then use display
trace to display the contents of the trace memory. If a previous trace list is on
screen, the current trace automatically updates the display. If the trace memory
contents exceed the page size of the display, the <NEXT>, <PREV>, <Up arrow>,
or <Down arrow> keys may be used to display all the trace memory contents. You
also can press <CTRL>f and <CTRL>g to move the display left and right.
You can set up trigger and storage qualifications using the specify trace command.
The analyzers will begin tracing when a cmb_execute command executes, which
causes an EXECUTE signal on the Coordinated Measurement Bus.
The analyzer will trace any state by default.
The parameters are as follows:
This option repeats the previous trace measurement. It also begins a trace
measurement with a newly loaded trace specification. (Using trace without the
again parameter will start a trace with the default specification rather than the
loaded specification.)
This causes the analyzer to capture any type of information.
This option allows you to specify the external trigger as a trace qualifier, for
coordinating measurements between multiple HP 64700s, or an HP 64700 and
another instrument.
Before arm_trig2 can appear as an option, you must modify the emulation
configuration interactive measurement specification. When doing this, you must
specify that either BNC or CMBT drive trig2, and that the analyzer receive trig2.
See the chapter on "Making Coordinated Measurements" for more information.
This stops target system program execution when the trigger is found. The
emulator begins execution in the emulation monitor. When using this option, the
on_halt option cannot be included in the command.
This specifies whether time or state occurrences, or nothing, will be counted during
the trace. See the COUNT syntax diagram for details.
This option specifies whether the analyzer will count time or occurrences of states
during a trace, or whether the option is to be turned off.
This recalls the last trace command that was executed.
Chapter 11: Emulator/Analyzer Interface Commands