Data Protector Express 4.0
HP Data Protector express is backup and recovery software designed specifically for smaller organisations
with ease of installation and day to day management.
Provides simple and reliable backup and recovery for Windows
and windows desktops—perfectly suited for organisations without dedicated It staff. Powerful features such as online backup agents
for Microsoft® SQL Server and Microsoft exchange; D2any2any feature; Bare Metal Disaster recovery;and self-tuning parallel data
streams maximise backup flexibility without compromising ease of use.
Data Protector express may be downloaded via the web,
activation beyond a 60 day trial period involves purchasing appropriate licenses (LtU) below.
At least one of these products is required
BB1 17BA
BaCkUP SerVer CD & LtU
one per Data Protector express Storage management Domain.
Contains the Data Protector express catalogue and acts as a Media (i.e. tape Backup) Server. Includes unlimited support for
network backup of Windows desktop workstations. add agents to backup additional servers over the network. Includes CD.
BaCkUP SerVer For MICroSoFt
BB1 18BA
this is a special package, orderable as a single part number and enabled by a single license key, made up of Data
Protector express Backup Server (BB1 17Ba), two Data Protector express online application agents (2 x BB125Ba) and
the Data Protector express Bare Metal Disaster recovery option (BB128Ba). It also provides protection for Microsoft
SharePoint Services. It only runs on the Microsoft Small Business Server operating system. Includes CD.
BB1 17BT
UPgraDe FroM Data ProteCtor eXPreSS SINgLe SerVer eDItIoN
Data Protector express Single Server edition ships Free with every HP Ultrium and Dat tape Drive. this part number
allows registered owners of Data Protector express Single Server edition to acquire Data Protector express at a reduced
cost. the product received is exactly the same product as is received when BB1 17Ba is ordered. the License key for this
part number checks for the existence of a Data Protector express Single Server edition License key, without this it will not
work. the License key also enables continued use of the Data Protector express Bare Metal Disaster recovery option that
is included with Data Protector express Single Server edition, for one machine.
Additional Network Server Agents and Media Server Agents
SerVer BaCkUP ageNt LtU
SerVer BaCkUP ageNt LtU (3 PaCk) LtU
required to add a server-class machine to the Data Protector express Storage Domain. It enables that machine as a local
or network media server and enables backup/recovery over the network to a shared backup device (and recovery to a
local device). one Network Server Backup agent required for each machine added to the Storage Domain. available
in a single pack and three pack
Information/Compatibility Matrix:
60 Day trial:
, Linux
and Netware file servers, MS SQL/MS exchange servers
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