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Command Successful
HPresetpassword account
The purpose of the HPresetpassword account
The HPresetpassword account provides a method for the local Admin user to recover the Admin password
back to a default state.
username = HPresetpassword
default password = hpresetpassword
Best practice is to change the default password after installation.
This user account does not provide any access to StoreOnce functions or data that may already be on the
Changing the password for the HPresetpassword account
1. Gain access to the local system console either using a locally attached USB keyboard and monitor or via
the iLO remote console.
This account is not accessible via a remote ssh session.
2. At the Login prompt, type the username (HPresetpassword) and default password (hpresetpassword):
3. A list of available commands will be presented.
reset: Reset the 'Admin' password to 'admin'
manage: Change the 'HPresetpassword' user's password
help: List available commands
exit: Log out
4. Run the command manage to change the password for the HPresetpassword user. At the prompts,
a. (current) UNIX password: the default at installation is hpresetpassword.
b. New UNIX password: the new password must be strong and memorable. If it is weak, for example a
dictionary name, it will not be accepted.
c. Retype new UNIX password: re-enter the new password to confirm it
5. Type exit to log out.
6. Store the new password securely in an offline Password Security tool.
Resetting the password for the local Admin user
1. Gain access to the local system console either using a locally attached USB keyboard and Monitor or via
iLO remote console.
2. At the Login prompt type: HPresetpassword
HPresetpassword account