Control Operator's Reference Manual
Reference Manual). The Patch Timers may then be left Control Op enabled so
that the Patch Activity Timer will protect against an "orphan" patch due to a user
driving out of range and therefore being unable to terminate· the call.
Phone Number and Autodial Location Readback
Optional Autopatch Phone Number Readback
Forced Autopatch Phone Number Readback
Optional User Loadable Autodialer Phone Number Readback
Disable User Loadable Autodialer Phone Number Readback
Enable User Loadable Autodialer Location Readback
Disable User Loadable Autodialer Location Readback
Female Voice Phone Number Readback
Male Voice Phone Number Readback
Morse Code Phone Number Readback
These commands determine if and how Autopatch and User Loadable Autodial
phone numbers and User Loadable Autodiallocations are read back to the user
when activating the patch.
When activating the Autopatch. the phone number entered may be read back as
confmnation either as a user option or mandated. Readback of phone numbers.
in addition to helping prevent wrong numbers, allows a Control Operator to keep
tabs on what number is being called. However, it may be deSirable to inhibit
readback because in some areas readback of phone numbers over the air may be
an invitation for abUSive calls. User Loadable Autodialer locations and phone
numbers mayor may not be confirmed for similar reasons.
The phone number readback may be in the male or female voice or in Morse code
to enhance security.
We may want Autopatch phone numbers read back during the day when the
"open" Autopatch is up but leave it as a user option at night when only the
"closed" Autopatch is up.
Reverse Patch Mode
Select Reverse Patch Mode 0
Select Reverse Patch Mode 1
Select Reverse Patch Mode 2
Don't Answer Next Time
(Access and Command Modes)
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