目錄 尋找 HP TouchSmart PC 資訊 ......................vi 了解 HP TouchSmart PC ......................... 1 HP TouchSmart PC 功能 ......................... 1 HP TouchSmart PC 的正面與右側面 .................... 2 HP TouchSmart PC 的左側邊面板 ....................4 移除接頭外蓋 .......................... 5 HP TouchSmart PC 的背面 ......................5 作業...
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聲音選項 ............................ 22 連接類比喇叭 ........................22 連接並啟用數位喇叭或音訊接收器 ................... 23 喇叭音量 ..........................24 設定 Windows Media Center 的音效 ..................25 使用耳機 ..........................25 使用麥克風組 ........................25 使用耳機麥克風 ........................25 連接到 MP3 播放器 ........................ 25 連接印表機 ..........................26 安裝安全鎖 ..........................26 清潔 HP TouchSmart PC 螢幕 ....................... 27 安全且舒適地使用電腦...
尋找 HP TouchSmart PC 資訊 資訊類型 尋找位置 設定您的 HP TouchSmart PC 。 安裝海報 使用 HP TouchSmart 功能的說明影片。 請前往 hp.com/go/learntouchsmart (僅提供英文版) 尋找電腦硬體的功能。 HP TouchSmart PC 《快速入門手冊》 (即本手冊) 連線到網際網路。 瞭解 HP TouchSmart 與其他軟體。 連接電視訊號。 在電腦上觀看與錄製電視節目。 《觀賞和錄製電視節目》手冊 使用 Windows Media Center 遙控器 點選 Windows Vista [ 開始 ] 按鈕 ™ 、...
了解 HP TouchSmart PC HP TouchSmart PC 功能 HP TouchSmart PC 是一部有趣、迷人,使用觸控技術的高效能電腦,嵌入於高畫質 56- 公分 ( 22 英吋) 寬螢幕顯示器中。這部薄型電腦具備以下功能:網路攝影機 (需有網際網路連線,不隨附) 、 CD/DVD 與 Blu-ray (僅限部份型號)光碟機與燒錄機 (實際速度可能有所不同,請勿複製受著作權保護的內 ® 容) 、 HP Pocket Media Drive 托槽、可用軟體控制的夜光燈、 USB 連接埠、 FireWire (IEEE 1394) 、媒體 讀卡機、 Brightview 螢幕、 Wireless 802.11n 網路卡以及高品質喇叭。 (...
作業 LED 指示燈 您的 HP TouchSmart PC 有下列作業指示發光二極體 (LED) : 功能 事件 指示軟體應用程式設定了事件提示通知。設定事件提示的功能只有特定 軟體應用程式才有。 網路攝影機 指示網路攝影機作業。 電源 指示電源狀態,藍色表示電源開啟,琥珀色則表示睡眠模式。 硬碟 指示硬碟作業。 讀卡機 指示讀卡機作業。 LED 閃爍時,切勿移除記憶卡。 LED 未亮起表示未插入記憶卡。 LED 恆亮時表示有記憶卡插入,但無讀取 或寫入動作。閃爍的 LED 表示電腦正進行記憶卡作業,該卡可供讀取 / 寫入。 遙控器紅外線接收器 指示您的電腦正搭配遙控器作業,在 Windows Media Center 內瀏覽視 窗、錄製電視節目以及執行其他動作。僅有部份型號隨附遙控器。 無線鍵盤和滑鼠接收器...
為無線鍵盤或滑鼠進行同步 為了您的便利起見,無線鍵盤與滑鼠已預先與您的 HP TouchSmart PC 進行同步化。拉出電池標籤後,會 啟動預先安裝的電池並開啟滑鼠 (B) ,鍵盤與滑鼠應該會立即運作。 如果無線鍵盤與滑鼠沒有作用,您可能需要手動進行同步化。 若要進行同步化: 請確定鍵盤與滑鼠置於 HP TouchSmart PC 附近 30 公分 ( 1 英呎)以內,並遠離其他裝置的干擾。 鍵盤:按住鍵盤底部的連線按鈕 (A) 5 秒鐘。當收到同步化指令時, HP TouchSmart PC 底部後方的藍 色作業 LED 會發亮;在同步化完成後 LED 會熄滅。 滑鼠:按住滑鼠底部的連線按鈕 (C) 5 秒鐘。當收到同步化指令時, HP TouchSmart PC 底部後方的藍 色作業...
HP TouchSmart PC 的開機與關機 HP TouchSmart PC 的開機 完成 HP TouchSmart PC 的設定之後,請按下電腦右上側邊面板的 「電源 / 睡眠」按鈕 (A) 。請按 照螢幕上的指示完成初步設定。 設定程序可能需要數分鐘時間才會完成,請耐心等候。 您可以按下鍵盤或遙控器上的 「電源 / 睡眠」按鈕,將 HP TouchSmart PC 開機或讓電腦進入睡眠模式。 僅有部份型號隨附遙控器。 第一次啟動電腦並完成所有設定精靈後,可用 HP TouchSmart 按鈕 (B) 將電腦開機並開啟 HP TouchSmart 軟體。 如果電腦已經開機,您可以按下此按鈕開啟 HP TouchSmart 視窗。 HP TouchSmart PC 的關機...
如果您使用機上盒,請將紅外線發射器連接線,連接到電腦背面的紅外線發射器接頭 (D) 以使用遙控 器。下列圖解顯示了紅外線發射器連接線的位置。您必須將紅外線傳輸器黏到機上盒的紅外線接收器 窗。將遙控器指向電腦 (不是指向機上盒) 。 設定 HP TouchSmart PC 搭配機上盒使用 僅限部分型號 如果您的電視訊號需要有線電視機上盒、衛星機上盒或其他類型的機上盒,您必須將紅外線發射器連接線 連接到電腦與機上盒,遙控器才能正常運作。僅部分型號隨附電視調諧器與遙控器。 紅外線發射器連接線這個遙控感應設備需連接到電腦,並蓋住機上盒上的遙控感應器。 在 Windows Media Center 內選取電視頻道時,可以使用遙控器搭配機上盒作業。 若要搭配 Windows Media Center 使用機上盒: 將紅外線發射器連接線 (A) 連接到電腦背面的紅外線輸出連接頭 (D) 。 撕去連接線一端的背面膠 (B) ,然後將這一端黏上機上盒的紅外線遙控感應窗 (C) 。若要找出紅外線遙 控感應窗確切位置,請用手電筒照射機上盒前面的塑膠板部份。 使用遙控器時,將遙控器指向 HP TouchSmart PC (E) 的前面,不要指向機上盒。 快速入門...
完成 Windows Media Center 設定精靈 僅限部分型號 開啟 Windows Media Center 。 點選 Windows Vista [ 開始 ] 按鈕 、 [ 所有程式 ] ,接著按 [Windows Media Center] 。 或 若要從 HP TouchSmart 開啟 Windows Media Center ,請開啟 HP TouchSmart ,然後點選 [Windows Media Center] 圖示選項。 捲動至工作列功能表,選取...
設定 Windows Media Center 的音效 在您已安裝、連接並設定喇叭後,請使用下列程序設定 Windows Media Center 的音訊輸出: 點選 Windows Vista [ 開始 ] 按鈕。 點選 [Windows Media Center] 。 捲動至工作列功能表,點選 [ 設定 ] 、 [ 一般 ] ,然後點選 [Windows Media Center 設定 ] 。 點選 [ 設定您的喇叭 ] ,然後按一下 [ 下一步 ] 。 選取將您的喇叭或音訊接收器連接到電腦的連接線類型,然後點選...
清潔 HP TouchSmart PC 螢幕 清潔觸控螢幕之前,您必須先將電腦關閉以停用觸控螢幕。如果沒有關閉電腦,則觸控螢幕為啟用狀態, 您可能會在清潔螢幕時遺失資料。 為達到最佳的觸控效果,需要定期清潔 HP TouchSmart PC 螢幕四周與表面的灰塵。 觸控螢幕有一個玻璃 表面,可以使用 HP TouchSmart PC 隨附的清潔抹布來清潔。您也可以使用軟布或紙巾,沾上一般的家用 玻璃清潔劑來清潔觸控螢幕。 為了達到最佳的觸控敏感度,請避免讓外物污染螢幕。避免讓螢幕的四周累積過多的灰塵。 若要清潔觸控螢幕: 關閉電腦。請點選 Windows Vista [ 開始 ] 按鈕、鎖定圖示旁的 [ 箭號 ] 按鈕,然後點選 [ 關機 ] 。 從牆上拔下電源線。 在 HP TouchSmart PC 隨附的清潔布上噴灑少量溫和的玻璃清潔劑。您也可以使用軟布或紙巾,沾上 一般的家用玻璃清潔劑來清潔觸控螢幕。...
HP TouchSmart 軟體簡介 HP TouchSmart 軟體是什麼? HP TouchSmart 軟體套件已預先安裝至新電腦中。 HP TouchSmart 的設計是要讓您在新電腦上體驗到最 極致的觸控功能。您可以個人化 HP TouchSmart ,以迅速存取您喜愛的線上程式、網站以及 RSS 摘要。 您只需在 HP TouchSmart 首頁點選幾下,就可快速地檢視相片、觀看影片、播放音樂或搜尋網際網路。 請在 hp.com/go/learntouchsmart (僅提供英文版)觀看 TouchSmart 教學課程,只要花您幾分 鐘的時間,就可輕鬆掌握全部的軟體功能。 開啟 HP TouchSmart 軟體 第一次啟動電腦時,會開啟 Windows Vista 桌面。 若要開啟專為觸控所設計的 HP TouchSmart 軟體, 請按下電腦右下角的...
針對 Windows 桌面與非 HP TouchSmart 軟體設計的觸控技術 若要使用軟體並瀏覽 Windows 桌面,可使用觸控螢幕、鍵盤、滑鼠或遙控器 (僅隨附於部份型號) 。 某些作業,例如 HP TouchSmart 程式、瀏覽網際網路或存取您喜愛的程式,可能比較適合使用觸控螢 幕。其他作業,例如輸入搜尋文字,比較適合使用鍵盤。而使用 Windows Media Center 程式觀看並 錄製電視節目時,遙控器則是最佳選擇。 注意事項: 您另外購買與安裝的軟體也可以使用觸控螢幕存取,但有些程式用鍵盤或滑鼠較易使用。 Tablet 輸入面板 (螢幕鍵盤) 使用 Windows 輸入面板 (螢幕鍵盤) ,以觸控方式輸入文字。它能識別您的手寫輸入並將文字轉換成 輸入文字。 點選輸入對話方塊內部以存取 「輸入面板」 ,然後點選鍵盤圖示以開啟手寫、觸控和文字輸入工具。如 果您並未看見 「輸入面板」或者想調整觸控設定,點選 Windows Vista [ 開始 ] 按鈕、 [ 控制台 ] 、 [ 攜 帶型電腦...
軟體快速參考表 除了 HP TouchSmart 軟體套件之外,您也可以安裝下列程式。下表所列的某些軟體只隨附於部份型號。並未完 整顯示您電腦隨附的所有軟體。 若要開啟任何一個程式,請點選 Windows Vista [ 開始 ] 按鈕、 [ 所有程式 ] 、選擇程式資料夾 (例如: DVD Play ) ,然後點選程式名稱來開啟該軟體。 使用此程式: 您可以: DVD Play 播放 DVD 電影、影片光碟 (VCD) 以及 Blu-ray 光碟。 使用 [ 縮放 ] 和 [ 平捲 ] 功能。 製作檢視書籤。...
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使用此程式: 您可以: (續上頁) CyberLink 錄製影片檔案以製作您可在某些 DVD 播放器中播放的 VCD 和 DVD 。 PowerDirector 複製和分享視訊檔案。 擷取視訊檔案。 編輯視訊檔案。 HP Total Care Advisor 快速整理桌面上您要保持隨時可使用的網路連結。 使用便捷的購物搜尋引擎來比價購物。 取得 HP 軟體和驅動程式更新。 取得來自 HP 的重要訊息。 存取 「 PC Health and Security 」和 「 PC Help 」工具。 Microsoft Windows 從錄影帶、錄音帶、網路攝影機或電視廣播,輸入音訊、視訊和其他媒體檔案。...
如何建立 (燒錄)音樂或相片 CD 或 DVD ? 若要將歌曲錄製或燒錄 成 CD ,您必須使用 CD 錄製程式 (例如: CyberLink Power2Go 或 Windows Media Player ,您可從 Windows 桌面存取此程式) 。 若要使用 CyberLink 軟體建立音樂或相片 CD 及 DVD : 點選 Windows Vista [ 開始 ] 按鈕、 [ 所有程式 ] ,然後再點選 [CyberLink DVD Suite Deluxe] 。 選取您正在使用的媒體類型。...
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Welcome to the next generation of computers.
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Copyright Information The only warranties for Hewlett-Packard products and services are set forth in the express statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
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Table of Contents Finding HP TouchSmart PC Information ................... vi Getting to Know the HP TouchSmart PC ................1 HP TouchSmart PC Features......................1 Front and right side of the HP TouchSmart PC ................2 Left side of the HP TouchSmart PC ....................4 Removing the Connector Cover ....................5 Back of the HP TouchSmart PC ....................5 Activity LED indicator lights......................7...
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Sound Options..........................22 Connecting analog speakers ....................22 Connecting and enabling digital speakers or an audio receiver ...........23 Speaker volume ........................24 Configuring sound for Windows Media Center ................25 Using headphones........................25 Using the microphone array ....................25 Using a headset ........................25 Connecting MP3 players ......................25 Connecting a Printer ........................26 Installing a Security Lock ......................26 Cleaning the HP TouchSmart PC Screen ..................27...
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HP TouchSmart FAQs ....................41 How do I add tiles (shortcuts) to my HP TouchSmart homepage view?...........42 How do I add a tile of a favorite Web site link? .................42 How can I see all the tiles in my homepage view? ..............43 How do I temporarily hide a tile? .....................43 How do I delete a tile from the HP TouchSmart homepage? ............43 How do I change the icons designating my tiles? ...............43...
Finding HP TouchSmart PC Information Type of information Where to find Set up your HP TouchSmart PC. Setup poster How-to videos about using Visit hp.com/go/learntouchsmart HP TouchSmart features. (English only) Find features of the computer HP TouchSmart PC Getting Started guide hardware.
Getting to Know the HP TouchSmart PC HP TouchSmart PC Features The HP TouchSmart PC is a fun and engaging touch-enabled high-performance computer built into a high-definition 56-cm (22-in) diagonal widescreen display. The slim computer comes with features like webcam (Internet access required and not included), CD/DVD and Blu-ray (select models only) player and burner (actual speeds may vary;...
HP TouchSmart software. * High definition (HD) content is required to view HD images. Most current DVDs do not provide HD images. **All specifications represent the typical specifications provided by Hewlett-Packard’s component manufacturers; actual performance may vary either higher or lower. Bluetooth Use Bluetooth to connect to Bluetooth-enabled devices.
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Item Description (continued) Microphone array Use the built-in digital microphone array to record sound for your webcam videos, and to use instant messenger or chat software to have video chats online. The microphone is designed to filter out ambient noise in your environment, to provide a cleaner sound.
Item Description (continued) Wireless keyboard Sleek wireless keyboard and mouse fit under the HP TouchSmart PC. and mouse Internal Speakers Use the built-in, high-quality stereo speakers for a powerful media experience when listening to music, or when watching your home videos and DVDs. Left side of the HP TouchSmart PC Features and configurations vary by model Connector...
Removing the Connector Cover To remove the connector cover on the back of the computer, insert your finger under the gap on the bottom-left side of the cover, and pull gently. Replace the connector cover by aligning the hooks on the right edge of the cover with the slots on the computer, and then pressing it until it snaps into place.
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Connector Function (continued) Digital audio port Connect to your home theater system or your surround sound digital speakers. (SPDIF Out) Supports 3.1, 4.1, and 5.1 speakers. Audio Line Out Connect external 2.0 and 2.1 powered speakers. TV In Connect your TV signal source to watch, record, and pause live TV. This is an F-type coaxial TV input signal connector.
Activity LED indicator lights The following are the activity indicator light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on your HP TouchSmart PC: What it does Event Indicates an event reminder notification has been set from a software application. Setting of the event reminder is available in select software applications only.
Connecting the power source Plug the power cord into the AC adapter (brick), and the power adapter cord into the back of the computer. Route the power cord through the notch in the computer stand, and then plug the power cord into an AC power source through a surge protector/uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
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Route your cables through the cable routing clip (A), and out of the back of the computer. Replace the connector cover by aligning the hooks on the right edge of the cover with the slots on the computer, and then pressing it until it snaps into place. Then, route the cables through the notch (B) in the computer stand.
Adjust the Angle of the Computer Stand The HP TouchSmart PC is shipped with the computer stand collapsed against the back of the computer. To assure that the computer is in a stable position on your desktop, pull the computer stand open until it snaps into place.
Synchronizing the wireless keyboard or mouse The wireless keyboard and mouse are pre-synchronized for your convenience, to work with your HP TouchSmart PC. They should work immediately after pulling the battery tabs, which activate the pre-installed batteries, and turning the mouse switch on (B). You may need to manually synchronize the wireless keyboard or mouse if they are not functioning.
Turning the HP TouchSmart PC On and Off Turning on the HP TouchSmart PC After you finish setting up your HP TouchSmart PC, press the Power/Sleep button (A) on the top-right side of the computer to turn it on. Complete the initial setup by following the onscreen instructions. Please be patient while the setup process completes;...
Changing Power Settings Basic power settings help conserve energy or enhance computer performance. You can also customize power settings for your computer hardware. For example, you can set your computer to go to sleep after a specified period of inactivity. What used to be called Standby is now called Sleep in Microsoft Windows Vista.
Setting up a wireless home network Wireless access point and Internet service required and not included. Availability of public wireless access points limited. First-time wireless network installation requires that you: Purchase high-speed Internet service from an Internet service provider (ISP). Purchase a broadband modem (DSL or cable).
Setting up a wired home network First-time wired network installation requires that you: Purchase high-speed Internet service from an Internet service provider (ISP). Purchase a broadband modem (DSL or cable). This may be provided by the ISP. Purchase and install a wired router (sold separately), if one is required. NOTE: Broadband modem and router installation procedures vary, depending on the manufacturer.
Add other computers or devices to your wired network: Disconnect power from the broadband modem and the router, and then shut down your HP TouchSmart PC and the computers you want to add to your network. For each wired computer, connect one end of an Ethernet cable to the LAN connector on the computer, and then connect the other end of the cable to any available Ethernet connector on the router.
Adjusting the Ambient Light Select models only The HP TouchSmart Ambient Light casts a cool white glow from the base of the computer. By default, the Ambient Light is turned off when you turn on the computer. To control the Ambient Light: Press the Ambient Light button on the left side of the computer to turn the Ambient Light on.
Using the Optical Disk Drive You can use your CD/DVD drive to play and record CDs and DVDs, and Blu-ray (select models only) discs. The slim-slot CD/DVD drive does not have a disc tray. To insert a disc, turn the data side toward the back of the computer (label side forward) and slide the disc into the drive slot.
Connecting the TV signal source to the computer Select models only WARNING: Please read “Additional Safety Information” in the Limited Warranty, Support, and System Recovery Guide before installing and connecting your HP TouchSmart PC to the electrical power system. To connect a TV signal to the computer, your computer needs a TV tuner, which is included with select models only.
If you are using a set-top box, connect the IR emitter cable to the IR emitter connector (D) on the back of the computer, in order to use the remote control. The IR emitter cable is shown in the following illustration.
Completing the Windows Media Center setup wizard Select models only Open Windows Media Center. Tap the Windows Vista start button , tap All Programs, and then tap Windows Media Center. To open Windows Media Center from HP TouchSmart, open HP TouchSmart, and tap the Windows Media Center tile.
Sound Options Your HP TouchSmart PC supports the following speaker options: Built-in analog stereo speakers Analog 2.0 or 2.1 powered speakers Digital 3.1, 4.1, or 5.1 powered speakers Audio receiver NOTES: The HP TouchSmart PC supports powered speaker systems only. Powered speakers require a separate power supply.
Connecting and enabling digital speakers or an audio receiver Connect 3.1, 4.1, or 5.1 digital speakers or an audio receiver to the SPDIF Line Out (orange) connector on the back of the computer behind the connector cover, and then use the following procedure to enable the speakers or audio receiver.
Speaker volume Use the Volume buttons on the right side of the computer. Use the Microsoft Volume icon on the taskbar: Press and hold (or with the mouse, right-click) the Volume icon, and then select Open Volume Mixer. The Volume Mixer window opens. To adjust the volume for HP TouchSmart programs (Notes, Music, and Video), be sure to adjust both the speaker volume, and the HP TouchSmart program volume.
Configuring sound for Windows Media Center After you have installed, connected, and configured the speakers, use the following procedure to configure audio output for Windows Media Center: Tap the Windows Vista start button. Tap Windows Media Center. Scroll to the Tasks menu, tap settings, General, and then tap Windows Media Center Setup. Tap Set Up Your Speakers, and then tap Next.
Connecting a Printer You can connect a printer by using the USB connectors on the sides or back of the HP TouchSmart PC, or you can use a wireless printer. NOTE: The HP TouchSmart PC does not support printers that require a parallel printer connector. Installing a Security Lock A security lock (sold separately) enables you to secure your computer from theft and unwanted changes.
Cleaning the HP TouchSmart PC Screen Before cleaning the touch screen, you must disable it by turning off the computer. If the computer is not turned off, the touch screen is enabled, and you could lose data while cleaning it. For optimal touch performance, the HP TouchSmart PC screen requires periodic cleaning to remove any particles on the sides and surface of the screen.
Using the Computer with Safety and Comfort WARNING: To reduce the risk of serious injury, read the Safety & Comfort Guide. It describes proper workstation setup, posture, and health and work habits for computer users. It also provides important electrical and mechanical safety information. Before you begin using the computer, arrange the computer and your work area to maintain your comfort and productivity.
With the latch pulled out, lower the stand toward the computer. Leave the computer stand in the down position for shipping. Recycling Your Old Computer Hardware HP offers computer equipment recycling programs in certain countries/regions. To learn about the options, go to www.hp.com/recycle, and select your country/region in the drop-down list.
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Getting Started (Features may vary by model)
HP TouchSmart Software Overview What Is HP TouchSmart Software? The HP TouchSmart software suite comes preinstalled on your new computer. HP TouchSmart is made to maximize the touch features on your new computer. You can personalize HP TouchSmart for quick access to your favorite online programs, the Web, and RSS feeds.
Navigating HP TouchSmart Use touch or the wireless keyboard and mouse to select and deselect items in HP TouchSmart. Within HP TouchSmart, additional ways to access and navigate programs are shown here. Action Description Go to HP TouchSmart Tap the House icon to go to the homepage HP TouchSmart homepage.
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Action Description (continued) Move an HP TouchSmart Press and drag a tile up or down, and tile to a new location then left or right, to move it to a new location on the HP TouchSmart window. Drag and drop songs to You cannot drag in a straight line to the create a playlist drop location.
Touch Techniques for the Windows Desktop and Non-HP TouchSmart Software To use software and navigate the Windows desktop, you can use the touch screen, keyboard, mouse, or remote control (included with select models only). Some tasks, such as HP TouchSmart programs, browsing the Internet, or accessing your favorite programs, are better suited to the touch screen.
HP TouchSmart Tiles When you open HP TouchSmart software, you see a row of large tiles and a row of small tiles below that. Tiles are shortcuts to either software programs, features in HP TouchSmart, or links to Web sites. Use the large tile area for programs you use often, and use the small tiles for the rest of your program shortcuts.
HP TouchSmart Photo View and edit your photos, create slideshows, and print photos with HP TouchSmart Photo. If you have an Internet connection and a Snapfish account, you can upload your photos to share with others. The Upload button in TouchSmart Photo links to the Snapfish Web site. (Snapfish is not available in some countries/ regions.) Use your thumb and forefinger to make a photo larger or smaller.
Capturing webcam video and snapshots Use HP TouchSmart to record video and take snapshots. Use the YouTube button to upload videos. (The YouTube Web site is not available in all countries/regions. YouTube requires Internet connection, and you must set up an account.) Outside HP TouchSmart software, you can also use CyberLink YouCam software (select models only) to capture webcam video and snapshots.
HP TouchSmart Notes With HP TouchSmart Notes, you can create text notes and voice notes using touch, the keyboard, a video, photos, or by recording your own voice. This is such a fun way to make notes to yourself or your family. HP TouchSmart Clock Personalize your TouchSmart clock to show the time for one, two, or three different time zones.
Software Quick Reference Table In addition to the HP TouchSmart software suite, you may have the following programs installed. Some of the software listed in the following table is included with select models only. This is not a complete list of all the software included with your computer.
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With this program: You can: (continued) CyberLink PowerDirector Record movie files to create VCDs and DVDs that you can play on some DVD players. Copy and share video files. Capture video files. Edit video files. HP Total Care Advisor Quickly organize the Web links you want to keep available to you on your desktop.
HP TouchSmart FAQs “How do I add tiles (shortcuts) to my HP TouchSmart homepage view?” on page 42 “How do I add a tile of a favorite Web site link?” on page 42 “How can I see all the tiles in my homepage view?” on page 43 “How do I temporarily hide a tile?”...
“How do I delete a text or voice note?” on page 51 “Can I connect an old printer to my HP TouchSmart computer?” on page 52 “How can I tell if my HP TouchSmart computer is 64-bit or 32-bit?” on page 52 “What can I do if my HP TouchSmart media programs are crashing?”...
How can I see all the tiles in my homepage view? To view a hidden tile: From the HP TouchSmart homepage, tap the Personalize button. In the list of tiles, tap a tile that is disabled to enable it. Tap OK to save your changes and return to the HP TouchSmart homepage. The tile you enabled is now visible.
How do I set up an RSS feed? To subscribe to an RSS feed in Internet Explorer: Tap the Windows Vista start button, and then tap Internet Explorer. Tap the Feeds button to discover feeds on the Web page. Tap a feed. Tap the Subscribe to this Feed button Type a name for the feed, and then select the folder where you want to create the feed.
How do I create a slideshow of my photos? Be sure you name your slideshow and then tap Save, or the slide show will not be saved. To make a slideshow: From the HP TouchSmart homepage, tap the Photo tile. Choose from where you want to create a slideshow: Dates, Folders, All Photos, or Removable Drive.
Next, choose from where HP TouchSmart Music will show music files: From the HP TouchSmart homepage, tap Music. Tap Settings, and then tap either Use HP TouchSmart Media library (which is the Music folder on your hard drive) or Use my iTunes library. iTunes does not come preinstalled.
You can also create your own art: Open the Internet to find a piece of art, or identify a piece of art you downloaded to your hard drive (right-click on the art to find options). You might find the artwork of the original CD cover, and choose that. Download the art to your desktop.
How do I create (burn) a CD or DVD of my music or photos? To record, or burn , a CD of your songs, you must use a CD recording program, such as CyberLink Power2Go or Windows Media Player, which you access through your Windows desktop. To create CDs and DVDs of your music or photos using CyberLink software: Tap the Windows Vista start button, tap All Programs, and then tap CyberLink DVD Suite Deluxe.
How do I make a video playlist? You can organize your videos by creating video playlists, much like you might with music. NOTE: You must save your playlist if you want to keep it. Name it first, and then the Save button is enabled, according to this procedure.
Where are my webcam and microphones? The webcam (A) and microphones (B) are at the top center of the computer. To adjust the viewing angle of the webcam shot, tilt the screen, or move your physical position to be in site. For optimal sound recording, you should be within one-half meter (2 feet) from the HP TouchSmart computer.
Select your microphone; if you do not have an external microphone, choose SoundMAX Integrated microphone, and click Next. Choose HP Webcam as your video, and follow the rest of the instructions. Click Finish. Open the client and follow the directions to start a video chat. How do I create and save a handwritten or typed note? Written notes can be typed or handwritten by touch.
To restore a note (you can do this only if you have not deleted files in the Recycle Bin): Open the Recycle Bin. Select the note you want to restore (by tapping it). Tap the Restore Selected button. Can I connect an old printer to my HP TouchSmart computer? HP TouchSmart supports USB and wireless printer connections.
What can I do if my HP TouchSmart media programs are crashing? When you are in an HP TouchSmart media program, and the application is crashing, there are a few things you can try. NOTE: HP TouchSmart media includes the Photo, Music, and Video programs. Within HP TouchSmart software, tap Personalize.
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Getting Started (Features may vary by model)
Index adaptor, composite video-to-S-Video digital audio connector Ambient Light DVD drive, using DVD Play, features adjusting button Audio Line In connector Audio Line Out connector FireWire (IEEE 1394) Auto-Start hard disk drive Bluetooth antenna features Headphones using Bluetooth devices HP TouchSmart button adding a shortcut Ambient Light...
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HP TouchSmart RSS Reader setting up RSS feeds playlist HP TouchSmart Video creating supported file formats power adapter connector using Power, LED Power/Sleep button instant messenger, making a video call IR emitter Quick-Launch cable connecting to a set-top box cable, connecting connector receiver, wireless keyboard and mouse IR receiver, remote control...
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television, watch and record TV programs webcam touch screen capturing video and snapshots accessing software, performing tasks, navigating the features computer cleaning position features using with the microphone turning on the computer viewing angle TV In connector webcam microphones position Windows Media Center USB connector setup wizard...