Adding a User or Group Entry
You must create a user or group entry to send e-mail
notifications. To add a user entry, you must provide the user
name and e-mail address for each user. To add a group entry, you
must first add a user and save the user as a group. Each user
thereafter can be assigned to the group you just created.
Every user and group you create is a member of exactly one
group, so users form a tree-like structure (similar to a file and
directory structure) in the group they are in. A group can contain
any number of individual users and other groups, or it can be
The default group is called Everyone. If you do not specify a
different group name when adding a new user, the user is added
to this group.
Note: You cannot delete the Everyone group or remove its
group status. You can, however, rename it to something more
meaningful, such as your corporation name.
To add a user or group entry:
1. In the left-hand navigation bar, click Users.
The Users window appears.
2. Click Clear.
3. In the User Name field, enter the identity of the user.
For example, if user John Smith's network user name is
jsmith, enter jsmith.
4. In the Description field, enter the full name of the user.
5. If you want the new user or group to inherit information from
an existing group (template), click the arrow next to the
Assign to Group drop-down list and select the group from
which the user should inherit attributes.
For more information on inheritance, see "Group and User
Inheritance" in the online Help.
Note: When you inherit group information from an existing
group to a new user or group, the new user or group inherits
the following attributes: CA (Certificate Authority) Server
Name, CA Server IP Address, CA CRL Update, CA Certifi-
cate Renewal, and any tunnel assignments.
Hewlett-Packard SA3000 Series VPN Client Deployment Tool Getting Started Guide
Adding a User or Group Entry