Sequencer Operate
Sequencer Operate
This widget may be accessed from a Home display button. It shows the details of the sequence currently
running in the Sequencer. You can also load a different sequence from memory into the Sequencer, edit the
current sequence, and save the edited sequence to any slot (sequence number) in memory.
Sequence Information
Sequence Number
Sequence Name
Sequence Description
Total Elapsed Time
Name of the selected Sequencer block.
Memory location of the sequence that is being run by the Sequencer.
Name of the selected sequence.
Description of the sequence.
Total time the sequence has been in Run and Hold states.
Description of the current step's state.
READY: Sequence is at the beginning of step and is ready to run.
HOLD: Sequence is paused at the setpoint value shown.
RUN: Sequence is executing normally.
STOP: Sequence has reached the end of the last step.
900 Control Station User Guide
Revision 9
May 2014