Create New BIOS User Account password
Password Policy (requires a BIOS administrator password)
HP SpareKey
Always Prompt for HP SpareKey Enrollment
User Tools
Change Password
HP SpareKey Enrollment
Disk Sanitizer
System IDs
System Configuration menu
Some of the listed System Configuration options may not be supported by your computer.
Boot options
110 Chapter 13 Computer Setup
To do this
Select from a list of BIOS users.
Select from a list of ProtectTools users.
Revise password policy criteria.
Enable/disable HP SpareKey (enabled by default).
Enable/disable HP SpareKey enrollment (enabled by default).
Enter, change, or delete a BIOS administrator password.
Enroll or reset HP SpareKey, which is a set of security
questions and answers used if you forget your password.
Run Disk Sanitizer to destroy all existing data on the primary
hard drive. The following options are available:
Fast: Runs the Disk Sanitizer erase cycle once.
Optimum: Runs the Disk Sanitizer erase cycle 3 times.
Custom: Allows you to select the desired number of Disk
Sanitizer erase cycles from a list.
Last Pass: Displays Disk Sanitizer Completion Report
If you run Disk Sanitizer, the data on the primary
hard drive is destroyed permanently.
Enter a user-defined computer asset tracking number and
ownership tag.
To do this
Change the Computer Setup language.
Set a Startup Menu delay in seconds.
Set the MultiBoot Express Boot Popup delay in seconds.
Enable/disable Custom Logo (disabled by default).
Enable/display Display Diagnostic URL.
Enable/disable SD card boot.
Enable/disable floppy boot.
Enable/disable PXE Internal NIC boot.
Enable/disable USB device boot.