Table of Contents iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Introduction Using This Manual ....................Finding Information ....................... TestSheetProcedures(for[JSA only) ................1 About Fax Machines ......................Fax Tonesand Handshake ....................2 FAX 157OMC Control Panel Overview .............. 3 MFC 187OMC and MFC 197OMC Control Panel Overview ....
Page 4
TAB LE O F C ONTE NT S Settings Fax Settings ........................SettingDialing Mode (Tone/Pulse)................17 SettingDate and Time ....................17 Setting Station ID......................Entering Text......................... Inserting spaces ...................... Making co_Tections ....................19 Repeating letters ..................... 19 Specialcharacters and symbols ................19 Storing One Touch DialNumbers ................
Page 6
¸¸¸¸7¸¸¸/¸¸¸¸¸ !!Zi// LE OF C ONTE Message Center Message Center Mode ..................... FlexibleMemorySettings ....................Setting 15t1 M essage C enter.................... Setting Message S torage....................Recording Message C enterOutgoing Message ............. Listening to OutgohgMessage (OGM) ................ ErasingOutgoing Message (OGM) ................Activating M essage C enter M ode ...................
Page 7
TAB LE CO NTE Toerase all messages..................77 RecordingMemoill Personal Mailbox................. 78 Remote Retrievalof Incoming Messagesand Memos Ill Personal Mailbox....78 Recording Second Level OGM ................79 Playing SecondLevelOGM................... 79 Erasing SecondLevelOGM................... 79 Recording First Level OGM .................. 80 Playing FirstLevelOGM ....................80 Erasing FirstLevelOGM ....................
Page 8
Link Sol,are (For MFC 1870MCIntroduction ..................... anGMFC 1970MC0nly) Running the Brother Software ..............107 Multi-Function Link ..................108 VisioneerPaperPort LE ..................108 Sending a Fax from Your PC ............... 109 Sending a Quick Fax ....................109 Sending a Fax from the _,,lain_,,lenu................109 Sending a Fax from a Windows ®Application............
Procedures (for USA only) After programming your Station ID, please fill out the TEST SHEET included with your FAX/MFCand fax it to Brother's Automated Fax Response System as your first Station p. 18 transmission. This will veri_,'that your FA_'CJMFC is properly installed.
About Fax Machines If you're a first-time fax machine use_;fax operation might seem a little mysterious. You'll soon get used to the unusual fax tones on your phone line, and beablesendand receive faxeseasily,: Fax Tones and Handshake When someone i ssending a fax, t heFAX/MFC sends f axcallingtones, ( CNG tones) -- soft, i ntermittent beeps at4-second i ntervals.
NTRO D UCTI iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FAX 1570MC Control Panel Overview IVlicrophone OneTouch Dial Keys _1 Erase (_1 Tel-index _r() _[_@se twelve ke}s give ill- /less ]_g- Lets _()n, [onk l/l) n ui]lbellS stnlled _()_] _()_] spe tk _X rt I mot/e 'p t 't} is lg st t/t tccess tn p 'ev ous } es, fa2<me_sages or all rues- the dialhlg I]lel]lOl>.
CHAP 0 NE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MFC 18 70MC and MFC 19 70MC Control Panel Overview •.!i,.8 !(23Q O i °o, • o°° o.° • • • Erase 1_1Tel-index Microphone OneTouchDial Keys _1 Letsyou delete x oice These twehe keysgixe Picksup your xoice Letsyou lookup numhers whenyou speakwith you instantaccessto...
C H A P T E R TW 0 ....,,,,, ,,, ..Installation iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Caution Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm. We recommend that this product be used with a surge protection device to protect the product against lightning storms. Never install a telephone jack in a wet location unless the jack is specifically designed for a wet location.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Choosing a Location PlaceyourFAX/MFC on a flat,stablesurface,suchasa desk.Select a placethat is freeofvibrationand shocks. L ocate themachineneara telephone jackand a standard, g rounded poweroutlet. Avoid p lacingyourFAX/MFC in a high-traffic area.Donotplacenearheaters, a ir conditioners, watel,chemicals, o r refrigerators. Donotexpose theFb'(_IFC to direct s unlight,excessive heat,moisture, o r dust.Donotconnect y ourFAX/MFC to electrical o utlets controlled bywallswitches o r automatic timers.Disruption of powercanwipeoutinformation in theunit'smemory.
CHAP TE R Attach paper support Attach thepaperwireextension. Openthepapercover.Insertthepapersupport i ntothe grooves o fthecover as showll. Paper.Support PaperWire Extension /5 I/ PaperCover Install the printing cartridge Pushthe OPEN buttonto openthetopcovel: Remove thepaperstopper f romtheprintingcartridge..Indented arrow Whiteshaft Blueshaft BlackSpool Stopper Turn the black spoolon the right clockwiseto tighten the ribbon, as shown.
Install the printing cartridge by inserting the indented _ first and placing the cartridge into its four holders. Indented _ ..• .OPENbutton BlackSpool Holder... Press down o11both sides of the cover to close it securel},: The starter cartridgeprints approximately100pages. Install paper Thepapercassette can holdabout200sheetsof20-lb.
¸¸ ii¸ ! CHAPTE R TWO Acceptable Paper Size: Lettel; L egal a nd A4 Weight: 17lb.-24lb. Thickness: .0031inches- .0039 inches Connect the handset Connect t he curledhandsetcordto thebottomofthehm]dset a nd the sideofthe FAX/MFC. .._11F *PCI/F jackis for use o1117,' with _oC i_f Multi-Func-...
INSTALLATION 3) Lightning and power surges can damage this product! We recommend that you use a quality surge protection device on the ACpower line as well as on the telephone line, or unplug the telephone line and electrical cords during a lightning storm.
¸¸ ii¸ !} CHAPTE R TWO Converting Telephone Wall Outlets Therearethreeways to convert t o an RJ]1receptacle. Thefirsttwowaysmay requireassistance f romthetelephone company. Youcanchangethewalloutlets fromoneRJ14 jacktotwoRJll jacks.O1; y oucanhavean RJll walloutlet installed and slaveorjumponeofthephonenumbersto it. Thethirdwayistheeasiest: B uya triplexadapter. Y oucanplug a triplexadapter intoan RJ14 outlet.It separates t hewiresintotwoseparateRJll jacks(Line1, Line2) and a thirdRJ14 jack(Lines1and 2).Plugthe F_"_IFCintoLine2of thetriplexadapter.
INSTALLATION Plugoneend ofthe second telephone linecordforyourTAD intotheL2jack ofthe two-line TAD. Plugtheotherend intotheEXT. j ackon theleftsideof theFb_MFC. TriplexAdapter Two Line Phone L1/L2 IIII Ext. Line Two Line ExternalTAD FAX/MFC Youcankeeptwo-line telephones o notherwalloutletsasalways. T hereare two waysto adda two-line telephone to theFb_MFC's w alloutlet. Y oucanplugthe telephone linecordfromthe two-line telephone intotheEl+L2jackofthe triplexadapter.OI,youcanplugthetwo-line telephone intotheTELjackofthe two-line TAD.
¸¸ ii¸7! : CHAPTE R TWO willbe itis If all incoming calls answered switchboard operatoi; recommended t hattheAnswer M ode be setto MANUAL. Allhlcomingcalls shouldinitially be regarded astelephone calls. 13 Theunitmaybeusedwitheitherpulseor tonedialingtelephone service. Custom Features on Your Phone Line IfyouhaveRingMaste_; Voice M ail,an answering service, alarmsystem or any othercustomfeatureonyourtelephone line,it maycreatea problemin the operation ofNut FA_MFC.
INSTALLATION Donotconnect a TAD elsewhere o nthe samephoneline--your FAX/MFC and TAD willbothtUto control t he line. Connections Theexternal TAD mustbeplugged i ntotheleft s ide oftheFAX/MFC, intothejack labeled EXT. Your F ASVMFC cmmot work properly f fyouplugtheTAD intoa walljack. Plugthetelephone linecordfromthewalljackintothe leftsideoftheFb_ MFC, in the jacklabeled LINE.
CHAPTE R TWO Outgoing Message (OGM) on External Timing is importantin recording thismessage. T hemessage setsupthewayyour external T AD handlesbothmanual andautomaticfaxreception. Record 5 seconds o fsilenceatthebeginningofNut message. ( Thisallows yourF_MFC timeto listenforthefaxCNG tonesof automatic transmissions beforetheystop.) LimitNut speakingto 20seconds. EndNut 20-second message bygivingNut Remote Activation C ode for peoplesending manualfaxes.
C H A P T E R T H R E E iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinini iiiiiiiiiiiii Settmgs _i_i_ i_i_!_ii_i_ _i !_iiiii _i _ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Fax Settings Setting Dialing Mode (Tone/Pulse) Your FAX/MFC comes settoaccommodate toneOnulti-frequency) dialing service, If Nu havepulse(rotary)dialingservice, youneedto changethedialingmode, press_, [_, {_, Thescreenpromptsyoutoselect T ONE or PULSE, [ D ] i:::i L_ ] i..i G : T'0 i..i i i:...
CHAPTER THREE Entertwodigitsforthe month(forexample, e nter09for Septembei; or 10for October). T hescreendisplays y ourentr$,; thenpromptsyoutoenter theday. Entertwodigitsforthe day(forexample, 0 6).Thescreendisplays y ourentr),; thenpromptsyouto setthe time. Enterthetimein 24-hourformat(forexmnple, e nter15:25 for3:25PM). Waittwoseconds. Press_. The screennow displaysthe date and time you set, and displaysit wheneverthe FAX/MFC i s standing by.
SETTING Bypressing the appropriate number key the correct number of times, you can access the character you want. one time twotimes three times four times PressKey Inserting spaces Ifyouwantto entera blankspace, p ress{_ twice. Making corrections Ifyouentereda letterincorrectly andwantto changeit, press{_ to movethe cursorafterthelastcorrect l ette_: Thenpress_;...
CHAPTER THREE NOTICE: T heTelephone C onsumer P rotection Actof1991makesit unlawful f or anypersonto usea computer or electronic d evice to sendanymessage viaa telephone faxmachineunlesssuchmessage clearlycontains, i n a marginatthe toporbottomofeachtransmitted page,oron thefirstpageofthetransmission, thedateandtimeit issentand an identification o fthebusiness orotherentityor otherindividual s ending themessage and thetelephone numberofthe sending machineorsuchbusiness, o therentit},;...
SETTINGS !:6 Press {_. The screen prompts you to select the type of number this is. Use {_ or {_ to select the type you want. a fax only number a telephone (voice) number both a fax and telephone (voice) number CHAIN a number (usually an access code) for chain dialing.
CHAPTE R TH Storing Speed Dial Numbers YoucaJ1storeSpeedDialnumbers,whenyou dial bypressingonlythree keys.Model MFC1870MC has 36SpeedDiallocations,ModelsFAX 1570MC and MFC1970MC have 100. Evenifyou loseelectricalpowel;nLunbersstoredin memo_?' willnot be lost. Press_, {_, _. The screenprompts you to enter a location. {.:.iii; [:::: E E [)"" [) i i:::i L.. ? :[:[7 Usethe dial pad to enter a 2-digitlocation.
CHAPTER FOUR |mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm On-Screen Programming iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii User-Friendly Programming Wehave designedyour FA_'(/MFC with on-screenprogramming and a Helpke),; Using This Use r-friendlyprogramming helpsyou take full advantageof all the functions Manual p. 1 yourFAX/MFC h as to offer. Since yourfaxprogramming isdoneon theLCD, wecreatedstep-by-step on- screen promptstohelpNu programyourFAX/MFC.
CHAPTER FOUR Alternating Displays When you see alternating displays, the LCDsometimes alternates between the currently selected option, and a help message giving brief instructions about how to proceed. The display you'll probably see most often is shown below, showing you, when you place a document in the feeder; that you can dial a number and send a fax, or you can make a cop_,: ([F::R::.::::NO,, :ii:: S T'FiF:i I) E..E..= r"...
Page 35
¸¸7¸¸ CREEN P R O G RAMMI _[ia!R-fll_ Function More lnfo Description Factory 1. ACT. REPORT pp.83-84 2. M,I, DIM, p. 83 p. 83 3. TEl,. INDEX Print lists and reportsof actMty. 4. COVERPAGE pp.48,83 (Details in Ch@ter 10) pp.49,83 5.
Page 36
Function More lnfo Description Factory 1. TONE/PULSE TONE Selectdialing mode. p. 17 2. RING DELAY p. 35 Number of rings befo1_machine answers in F/T, FAX or Me mode. p. 36 3. SPEAKERVOLUME Adjustspeaker volmne. 4. ICM REC. MONITR p. 66 Adjustvolume of lllCOlnillg messages.
Page 37
¸¸7¸¸ CREEN P R 0 G RAMMI More lnfo Function Description Factory FAX:OFF/ p. 61 1. MSG STORAGE Selectif memory will store fax, voiceor both. \DICE:ON 2. BACKUPPRINT p. 64 %lectif faxprints memo7 back@ pp.66 67 3. FAXD_VD/PAGING Setfax to forward faximess%e OR to call your pagelt 159-)(- p.
CHAPTER FIVE mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm aSIC • Operation iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Sending Faxes Before you begin: Documents m ustbebetween 5.8and 8.5incheswide,and 5.9and 23.7 • incheslong.Your F _VMFC canonlyscanan image8.2incheswide, regardless o fhowwidethepaperis. • MakesureNu insertdocuments f ace dowrh top edge first. • Mjustthepaperguides to fitthewidthofyourdocument. Paper guides..........
¸¸ ¸¸¸¸ 7 ¸¸ /[ CHiAPTE R FIVE Press _ (before yousendthe faxormakea copy)to select t he resolution forthedocument y ou'resendin g. Standard -- Suitable formosttyped documents. Fine Good forsmallprint;transmitsa littleslower t han standardresolution. Super Fine -- Good forsmallprint orartwork; t ransmits slower thanfine resolution.
0 P E RATI Whenyouhearthefaxtone, p ress_. Speed Dial Ifyou'reusingthehandset,hangup. p. 22 Automatic Transmission Thisistheeasiest w ayto senda fax. IMPORTANT: Donot pickup thehandsetorpress{Speaker Phone]. Insertthedocument f acedownin thefeedel: !2 EnterthefaxnumberusingOneTouch, S peedDial, T el-index o r thedial pad. Press _. Manual and Automatic Fax Redial...
MS(;CTR--These FAX/MFCs provide you withabuilt-in digital message center forfaxand voice. When y ouset t he machine toanswer calls, it willrecord upto 15minutes (MFC 1870MC) orupto30minutes ( Fax 1570MC midMFC 1970MC) ofmessages, depending onhow much memog isavailable. For m ore inform> tionabout Message Center (MSG CTR) operation, please see C hapter 8and Chapter 9.
0 P E RATI In case Easy Receive does not work because of a poor phone line connection, just press_ orpresstheActivation C ode [_ @ [_. Press _, {_, {_. :12 Use[_ or [_ toselect O N,SEMI, o rOFF. Press _ whenscreendisplays y ourselection. Press _ toexit.
CHAPTER FIVE Setting F/T Ring Time You must determine how long the FA_MFC will noti_,' you with its special double ring when you have a voice call. This ringing happens aft_" the initial ringing fl'om the phone company. Only the FAX/MFCrings, for 20, 30, 40 or 70 seconds; no other phones on the same line ring the special double ring.
0 P E RATI Ring Volume Youcanselect h owloudl},; orif,theFA_MFC rings. Press _, [_, {_. Press [_ or_ toselect MEDIUM, o rHIGH. O FF, LOW, !13 Press _ whenthescreendisplays Nut selection. :,4 Press _ toexit. EvenifNu select O FE the ringvolume willremainLOW in F/Tringing(double ringing),and LOW in CallReservation.
Printing a Reduced Incoming Document Youcan always r educethesizeofan incoming faxto a fixedpercentage, regard- lessofthesizeofthepaper(up tolegal)in yourF_X/MFC. IfNu choose AUTO, theF_XVMFC chooses thelevelofreduction forNu. press_, @, [_. Thescreendisplays: [.F:I: EE D i...i C T ] 0 N : f::i i...i T 0 2 use{_ or{_to select t he reduction ratioyouwant--AUTO,93%,87%, o1"...
CHAP TE R S IX Touch Dialing Storing Pickupthehandset--ON--press _peaker Phone]. Touch Dial Whenyouheara dialtone,pressthe One%uch kWofthe location Nu want Xumbem tocall. pp. 20-21 Ifyoutrytouse a OneTouchlocation withnonumberstoredin it,youhear a warningsound,and thescreendisplays N OT REGISTERED. Thedisplay returnstonormalafter2 seconds. Speed Dialing Pickupthehandset--OR--Press S_peaker Phone].
LE PH ONE & SPEAKERPH (VO I CE) 0 P E RATI, Searching Telephone Index Youcansearchfor namesyouhavestoredin OneTouchand Speed Dial Storing memories. Namesarestoredalphabetically. Touch Oial press_, thenenterthefirstletterofthename. Numbem pp. 20-21 press_ or{_ to seamhthememory. Whenthescreendisplays t henameNu wantto call,pickupthehandsetor Storing Speed Dial press [Speaker Phone].
C H A P T E R V E N • mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Advanced Fax Operation iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Sending Faxes Quick Scan Fax Transmission Youcanscana faxintotheFAX/MFC's memouto besentassoonasthescanis complete. T hiswa}, y oudon'thaveto waitforthe entirefaxto betransmitted before youretrieve youroriginal. Ifyougeta MEMORY FULL message whilescanningthefirstpageofa fax,press to cancelthescan.
CHiAPTE R SEVE Delayed Transmission Youcan usethisfunctiontosenda faxupto 24hourslater.Ifyouhaveseta time in Daily Timei: t hetimewillbedisplayed in Step4. Insertthedocument i n thefeeder. Daily Timer p. 43 2 Youcanpress{g_g_] to usememory transmission, oryoucansendyourfax normally. Press _, _, {_. Enterthetimeyouwantthefaxtobesent,in 24-hourformat(forexample, enter19:45 for 7:45PM). Wait2 seconds(thescreenwilldisplay1.
¸¸7¸¸ ADVANCED OPERATION Canceling a Delayed You can cancel tasks you've scheduled using the timer. Press _, {_. Any waitingjobsappearonthe displa),: Ifno jobsare waiting, t hescreendisplays N O JOB WAITING. {.:2 ,, C:i:::i i..i C :E i..i Oiiii: Ifyouhavemorethantwojobswaiting, u se{_ or{_ toselectthejobNu wanttocancel,press_ whenthescreendisplays Nur selection.
CHAPTER SEVEN Error Re-Transmission Sometimes there is noise or interference o11the phone line, which makes it difficult for your FA_MFC to transmit a fax. You can set the FA_MFC to automatically retransmit (RE-%X). Press _, Press {_ or _ to select ON (or OFF). Press _ when the screen displays your selection.
¸¸7¸¸ ADVANCED OPERATION Always Send Cover Page Makesure station IDis set up (p. 18). This feature doesnot workwithout Station IDset up. Youcan set the FAX/MFC t o send a coverpage wheneveryou send a fax. The number ofpages in Nut fax is not includedwhen Nu usethis setting. Press_, @, {_.
¸¸7¸¸ ADVANCED 0PERATION IfyousetCallReservation t o ON, p ress{_ whenthescreendisplays y our selection. Thescreendisplays t hecurrentsetting for CallBackMessage. [ C:i:::i L. i..[ii: i:::i C:K : 0 F:: F :: {.C:i:::i L. L B i:::i C:K : 0 i".i Press {_ or {_ to select ON (or OFF). 116 Press {_ when the screen displays your selection.
CHAPTER SEVEN Multiple Resolution Transmission Usethisfeaturetoselect s eparateresolution settings foreachpageofthefax you'resending.Thiscouldbe usefulif you'resendinga faxwithphotosand letters, o rsomepageswithsmallprintand otherswithnormalprint. Resolution settings returnto STANDARD afterthefaxis sent. Insertdocuments i n feedel, t henpress_, _, {_. Use_ or{_ to select r esolution forpage1,thenpress[_. Repeat S tep2forsubsequent p ages. Press _ whenyou'refinished.
¸¸7¸¸ ADVANCED OPERATION Changing Remote Codes Remote Codes might not work with some telephone systems. The preset Activation Code is {_ @ {_. The preset Deactivation Code is {_ @ {_. If you are always disconnected when accessing your TADremotel),; try changing the Activation Code from {_ {_ {_ to {_ {_ {_ and the Deactivation Code from % To change Remote Codes...
CHiAPTE R SEVE You can registeronly one DistinctiveRingingpattern with the FAX/MFC. Some ringing patterns cannot be registered. • The FA_MFCwill answeronly calls to its registerednumber. • % haveyour TADansweronly the main numbei; the FA_'CJMFC must be in Manual Mode. • In F/TModeor FAX ONLY, the FA_MFC will answer all numbers on the phone line.
¸¸7¸¸ ADVANCED OPERATION Caller TheCallerIDfeatureofthisFAX/MFC letsyouusetheCallerIDsubscriber s mwice offered bymanylocalphonecompanies.Thisservice p rovides y ou,bymeansof thescreendisplay,_ thename ortelephone numberofyourcallerasthelinerings. After t worings,thescreendisplays t hetelephone numberofyourcaller(orname, ifavailable).Once Nu pickupthe handset,theCallerIDinformation disappears fromthescreen, b ut thecallinformation remainsstoredin theCallerIDmemor},: • Youwillseethefirst 16characters ofthe numberorname. •...
CHiAPTE R SEVE Clearing Caller ID Information Press_ when the screendisplaysthe CallerID informationyou want to erase. Polling Polling is the processof retrievingfaxesfrom another fax machine. Youcan use yourFA_MFC to "poll"othermachines, o rNu canhavesomeone pollNut machine. All parties involved in polling need to set up their fax machines to accommodate polling.
¸¸7¸¸ ADVANCED OPERATION Setup to Be Polled (Poll Waiting) Place document in feedel: Press_, {7_,{_. !13 Wait2 seconds. The screendisplays: {,F::: 0 i..i..:Ci..i G ::0 F:: F . Press{_ or {_ to chooseON, !16 Press{_, i7 Press_, The screenprompts you to press_, !18 Press_ and wait for the fax to be polled, Before pressing _,...
CHAPTER SEVEN Sequential Polling In SequentialPolling,the reverseof Broadcasting,your FAX/MFC r equests documents f romseveral f axunits,in a singleoperation. ASequential P ollingReport p rintsoncompletion. Makesurel,_o docuJ_e_,_t isiJ,_ t , O e f eed_: press _ , {_,{_. 3 Wait2 seconds. Thescreendisplays: {.F::' 0 i..
¸¸7¸¸ ADVANCED OPERATION Copy Functions Your FAX/MFCcannot scan anything closer than one-eighth inch from the edge p. 32 of the paper. For photographs, set the resolution to PHOTO. Place document face down in the feeder. ::2 Press {_. (You can press {_ again for faster response, otherwise c%ying begins in about 5 seconds.) Do not pull on the paper while c%ying is in progress.
C H AP T E R E I G H T ..,,,,.,,-!!, ....Message iii iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Message Center Mode Message Center Mode allows you to store incoming fax and voice messages in a Recording flexible memoff. If you have Model MFC 1870MC the memory stores 15 minutes Message of voice messages or up to 20 pages of fax memo13,;and for Models FAX1570MC Center...
CHAP TE R E I GH T Flexible Memory Settings Message C enter Mode offers yousixflexible memory settings, s othatyoucan decide whichkindsofmessages y ouwantto receive. 1. FAX:ON VOICE:ON Bothvoiceandfaxmessages a re stored.Youcanuse the FaxForwarding o r Pagingfeaturesand retrieve voiceand faxmessages r emotely: 2.
¸¸7¸¸ CENTER Setting Message Storage Select the setting from the descriptions in Flexible Memory Settings. Press _, [_, {_. The screen prompts you to choose a FAX setting. Hexible Memory Settings ([_.'.'.."-:::i:::+ .'..:ii::S iiii:i"]) p. 60 Press [_ or [_ to select ON (or OFF). Press [_.
CH3-P TER EI GHT Listening to Outgoing Message (OGM) Press _, [_, {j_. Press{_ or {_ to select MSG C1_ OGM or F_ OGM. Press {_ whenthescreendisplays } ,'our s election. 14 press_ tohearthe OGM. A djust t he volume bypressingSpeaker V olume 115 Press _ toexit.
¸¸7¸¸ CENTER Playing Voice Messages and Memos Follow the stepsbelow to listentovoicemessages a nd memos. press{_. Adjust v olumebypressing Speaker V olume { _ or_. Allmessages a nd memosareplayed in theordertheywererecorded.The display,' shows thenumberofthecurrentmessage, a nd thetotalnumberof messages. IfCallerIDinformation wasreceived, the FA)CJMFC beepsduringthemessage and displays t heCallerIDinformation foronesecond.
CHAP TE R E I GH T Backup Printing Option WhenyouchooseFAX: O Nin theMessage C enter mode,all incoming fax messages a restoredin the available memowforretrieval.% print a backupcopy automatically,; turn thisoptionon. press_, {_],{_. Thescreenpromptsyouto select a setting. (I iiii: i:::i C:i.::: UP P i::i: :i: i ..i T :: 0 i..i I ) :3E L..
CHAP TE R E I GH T ICM Recording Monitor Thisfeatureletsyouadjustthespeaker v olumeforvoicemessages y oumonitoras theycomein. Youcan select L OW, HIGH, o r youcanturn the M EDIUM, or monitorOFFsoyouwillnothearmessages a s thU comein. press _ , {_,{_. :2 Use{_ or{_ toselect HIGH,orOFF.
¸¸7¸¸ CENTER Remote Control Commands Follow the commands b elowto access featuresremotely. WhenyoucallyourFAX/ MFC and enteryourRemote Access C ode(Thefactowsettingis 159-X-), thesystem willsignalyouwithtwoshortbeepsto entera remotecontrol c ommand. Remotecontrolcommands • Detail Operation Playing voice messages Afteronelonglleep,tileb'A_V\/b'C p laysIC\/aM \/emo. (Skipback) Press_ whilelisteningto an ICM or Memomessagetoplay it a%iu.
CHiAPTE R E I GHT Retrieving Memory Status List Youcan retrieve theMemory StatusList f roma remotefaxmachineto seeif you haveanyfaxmessages. DialyourFAS_MFC's number. 2 Whenyouhearthebeep,immediately enteryourRemote Access C ode (Thefactorysettingis_ _ _ _ ). 13 Whenyouheartwoshortbeeps, u sethedialpad to press[_ [_ {_. Using thedialpad,enterthenumber(upto 20digits)ofthe remote fax machinewhereyouwantthe Memo13,' StatusList f orwarded, andthenpress Youcannotuse{_ and{_ asdialnumbers.However, ifyouwantto storea...
CHAPTER NINE aBRaHam |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Message Center Pro i ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Message Center Message C enterProworksasan additional e nhmlcement ofMessage C enter and provides N u withpersonal M ailbox and Voice-on-Demand. 13p tofivePersonal Mailboxes areavailable.Voice-on-Demand stores voiceinformation messages f or someone callingNu. These memouboxesallowyouto storevoicemessages t hat provide callers withmoreinformationautomatically a nd effectively,_ soyoudon't haveto answerthecallNurself.
CHAPTER NINE Setting Up Message Center Youmustsetup Message C enter Proin thefollowing order:However, if youare usingonlyVoice Information, follow steps1,3,5, 6 and7. Ifyouare usingonly personalMailbox, follow steps2,4, 5,6 and7. Record Voice-on-Demand information messages. _, _) Record Outgoing Message (OGM) a nd Password f oreachpersonal M ailbox. m,%) Record 2ndLevel O utgoing Message ( OGM) f orVoice Information.
Press [_. Thescreenprompts: Setting [ F:I: E C:...E F:I: i:::i :iii: E ...F::' L.. i:::i :?? Maximum Time for Press _, thenpickupthe handset.Record a message upto the Incoming IncomingMaximum Message T ime you'veset. Messages Time !16 Replace thehandset.TheF_'VJMFC playsbackyourmessage. p. 65 i7 % leaveanothermessage, r eturnto Step3.
CHAPTER NINE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Personal Mailbox Callers canentera confidential faxorvoicemessage intooneoffivepersonal Recording, Playing mailboxes. E achmailboxis accessed b ya pre-determined p assword, to help Erasing protecttheprivacy,' ofmultipleFA_'CJMFC users.Thesamepassword is Personal necessauto retrieve thesemessages r emotely,: Mailbox OGMs is included Recording Personal Mailbox this section.
:::3 Press {_. Thescreenthenpromptsyouto enteryour 4-digit p assword. Enteryourpassword. Press {_. TheFM'{/MFC playsbackvoiceincomingmessages a ndmemos storedin themailbox, t henprintsfaxesstoredin themailbox. Erasing Incoming Messages Memos From Personal Mailbox Youcanerasevoiceincoming messages a nd memosindividually orall atonce. Youcannoterasefaxincomingmessages i ndividually,: Toerase an individual message Press [_, while holding down _.
CttAPTE R NI Press _ whenthescreendisplays y ourselection. 18 press{J_toerase --OR-- press{_ toexitwithouterasing. Recording Memo in Personal Mailbox Whileholdingdown _, press[_Tg_. press{_ or_ to display,' the mailboxnumberyouwantto select,press_. pickupthehandsetand recordyourmemo(nolongerthanthe Incoming Message M aximum Time). Replace thehandsetorpress_. Remote Retrieval of Incoming Messages and Memos In Personal...
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Recording Second Level Recording, After c allers h avepressed { _ _ {_ forpersonal M ailbox, or[3__ {_ forVoice- Playing and on-Demand, theywillneedtohearmoreinstructions fromyouinthe2ndLevel Erasing OGM. M ake sureyoutellcallers thememogboxnumbers o fspecific v oice messages Second Level (23--x-, 24 --x-, 2 5--x-, etc.) andthenamesandmailbox numbers(0 1--x---0 5 --x-) OGMs is included forpersonal m ailboxes.
CHAPTER NINE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Recording First Level Recording, Thisisthe announcement a ll callers willheat: Inthis announcement, youmust Playing and tellcallershowto select t heoptionfor Personal M ailbox (press { _ _ {_) or Erasing Hrst Level OGMs Voice-on-Demand (press [_ {_ [:_). Thisoutgoingmessage shouldalsotell is included callersthat afterthebeepthey,' can leavea voicemessage, o rthey cansenda fax.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Turning On Message Center Thisisthefinalsteptoturn on Message C enterPro. Youmusthavealready storedinformation in PersonalMailboxes and/orin Voice-on-Demand memou boxes.Youmusthaverecorded a 1stLevel a nd a 2ndLevel 0 GM. press _ , {_,{_. !2 Thescreen promptsyouto select O NorOFF. Use[_ or{_ to select O N (or OFF). Press _ whenthescreendisplays Nut selection.
CHAPTER mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ,Lists iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FAX/MFC Activity You cml print the following lists and reports: [ i ,, i:::i C 'l" ,, l::i: E F::' 0 l::i: 'l' ActivityReport lists information about the last 30 incoming and outgoing faxes. %Xmeans Transmit; RXmeans Receive.
To print a report Press _, {3_. 12 Enterthenumberofthereportyouwantto print. Forexample, p ress[_ to Activity p. 83 print theTEL.INDEX. i'3 Press _. Press _ toexit. Activity Report Interval Youcan settheFb_MFC to printactivity reports at specific i ntervals(6,12,24 hours,2,4,or7 days). Evenifyousetthe interval t o OFE youcanprintthe report at anytimebyfollowing thestepsin theprevious s ection.
CHAPTER ELEVEN mmmiimmmmiimmmnnimmmmiimmmmiimmmmiimmmm Important lnfomadon iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Standard Telephone FCC Notices These notices are in effect on models sold and used in the United States only. This equipment is hearing aid compatible. When programming emergency numbers and/or making test calls to emergency numbers: •...
CHAPTER ELEVEN TheREN is usefulto determine the quantityofdevices y oumayconnect t oyour telephone line andstillhavethosedevices ringwhenyourtelephone numberis called. I n most,butnot allareas,the sumofthe RENs o falldevices c onnected t o onelineshouldnotexceed five(5).% be certainofthe numberofdevices y ou mayconnect t oyourline,asdetermined bythe Nu shouldcontactyour REN, localtelephone company to determine themaximum...
E quipment R egulations. Cet appareil numdrique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du R_glement sur la mat6riel brouflleur du Canada. Brother c annotaccept a nyfinancialor otherresponsibilities thatmaybethe resultofyouruseofthisinformation, i ncluding direct,special o rconsequential damages. T herearenowarranties extended orgrantedbythisdocument.
CHAPTER ELEVEN serve asa permanentrecordofyourpurchase, i n theeventofa theftorfire,orfor futurereference. MODEL N O.FAX 1570MC, MFC 1870MC, MFC 1970MC (Circle yourmodelnumber) SERIAL NUMBER NAMEOF DEALER DATE OFPURCHASE Important Safety Instructions Read all of these instructions. Save themforlaterreference. Follow allwarningsandinstructions m arkedontheproduct. _4 ..
Page 97
'15 Do not attempt to service this product yourself, as oening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage points and/or other risks, and may void your warranty. Refer all servicing to a Brother Authorized Service Center. Alist of Brother Authorized Service Centers has been included for your...
Thecontents ofthismanualand thespecifications ofthisproductaresubject t o changewithoutnotice. Brother r eserves t he righttomakechanges withoutnoticein the specifications and materials contained hereinand shallnotbe responsible foranydamages (including consequential) c ausedbyreliance onthe materials presented, including butnotlimitedto typographical and othererrorsrelating to the...
Maintenance Fax-Back System Brother C ustomer S ervice h asinstalledan easy-to-use F ax-Back S ystem, soyou cangetinstantanswers t o commontechnical q uestions andproductinformation forallBrother p roducts. T hissystem is available 24hoursa day,; 7 daysa week. Youcanuse thesystem tosendfaxes to anyfaxmachine, n ot justtheonefrom whichyouarecalling.
Aswithanysophisticated o ffice product, e rrorsmaysometimes o ccur.Ifthis happens, N ut F_'{/MFC o ftenidentifies t heproblemand displays a n error message. Thetablebelowexplains themostcommonerrormessages. Youcan correct m ostproblems byyourself. I fyouneedadditional h elp,callthe Brother F ax-Back S ystem. USA: 1-800-521-2846 From within Canada: 1-800-681-9838 {.
Page 103
TROUBLESHOOTING MAINTENANCE I C:i..iiii: i:::ii..i i...iF::' _iii_i:::: i:::ii..ii..i iiii:i::i:J The scanner is dirt),';clean the white bar and the glass strip under the roller with isopropyl alcohol on a lint-free cloth. You'll need to lift the two release levers to release the white bar; be sure to lock them in place when you're through. During cleaning, unplug the power cord for safety.
Page 104
CHAPTER TWELVE Lock thelevers backin place. Close thecoverandpress_. FrontCover [ Mi:::i C:H i[ i..i E E F;;: F;;: 0 F;;:::.:: ::.:: } [ F ::= F;;: E :iii; :iii; :iii; T'OF ::= i.::: E Y ContactBrotherCustomer Serviceat USA: 1-800-284-4329 (voice) From within Canada: 1-800-853-6660 (voice) From within Montreal:...
{:iii;C:i:::i J..J J ..J E J:;;:E J:;;: J:;;: 0 J:;;: During cleaning, unplug the power cord. Try cleaning the white bar and the glass strip under the bar. If you still get a scanner errol; contact Brother Customer Service at...
FAX/MFC D oesNotAnswer WhenCalled • Phone Line or MakesuretheFAX/MFC isin the correct r eceiving modeforyoursetup(either Connections FAX, F/Tor MSG CTR). C heckfordialtone.Ifpossible, c allNut Fb_MFC to hear it answer. Ifthereisstillno answer; checkthe telephone linecordconnection. Connect a standardtelephone handsetto theFb'CJMFC telephone jack.Ifthereis noringingwhenyoucallyourFb'CJMFC, callNut Telephone C ompany to check theline.
DoubleRing in F/TMode Handing Incoming The FAX/MFC knows the incoming call is not a fax so it is signaling you to answer Calls the telephone call. Pick up the FbX/MFC'shandset or answer from an extension phone and press your FAX/MFC's R emote Deactivation Code (default setting is #51).
/_i _ _ ii iii_ C HAP TER T H IRT E E N iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJii Setting 1870MC orMFC 1 970MC and Computer toWork T ogether iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Before You Install Multi-Function Link Thischaptertakesyouthrougheachstepoftheinstallation process.Readit carefully to ensurea problem-free i nstallation. Package Contents Beforeyoubegin the Multi-FunctionLink installation, please checkthe contents ofNut package:...
ROM, byclicking onthe InstallAcrobat Readerbutton. Product Support Thisisa pageofallBrother s upport n umbers. Brother WebLink Brother W EB LinkvisitstheInternetBrother H omePageontheWorld Wide Web. Youcanfindmoreinformation aboutBrother p roducts, f romproduct specifications sheetsto Frequently A sked Questions ( FAQ's). Youmusthaveservice withan Intemetservice p rovider.
Software 71 InserttheBrother C D-ROM intoyourCD-ROM drive. !12 Enterthecommand:X:SETUP.EXE TheBrother L OGO willbedisplayed onthescreen. The Brother software will rull the appropriate ilistall program. TheBrother s oftware w illidenti_,' yourWindows ®Operating System and automatically run theappropriate i nstallprogramforyourversion ofWindows ® .
Click on the "Install Multi-Function Link Software" option. The SoftwareInstallation windowwill appear. The SoftwareInstallation screenautomatically loads. Multi-FunctionLink includesVisioneerPaperPortapplications. Follow the installation instruction: Followthe instructionson the screen.The last stepwillbe to restart WindowsCL iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Viewing On-Line Documentation Makesureyouhaveinstalled theAcrobat Readersoftware. ( Click onthe Install Acrobat R eader b uttonandfollow theinstructions o nthe screen.) After t heAcrobat R eaderisinstalled, c lickontheView Multi-Function L ink Documentation b utton.
1870MC a ndMFC 1970MC iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Introduction This chapter outlines the basics of the Brother software, so you can get started using the Multi-Function Link software. Detailed installation and setup instruc- tions are in the On-Line Documentation section of the Brother CD-ROM that is included with your MFC.
TheMulti-Function L inkMainMenuisthe application usedforallfaxsending and receiving operations.It alsocontainsan electronic PhoneBookprogrmnand a LogManagerthatmaintainsa recordofallPCfaxtransactions.TheMain Menucm_ be accessed t hroughthe Brother M ulti-Function L inkprogramgroup. Visioneer PaperPort L E Visioneer PaperPort L EforBrother i s a document m anagement a pplication.You willusePaperPort t o view incoming faxesandscanneddocuments.Paperport...
USING THE MULTI2FUNCTION LINK SOFTWARE (FOR MFC 1870MC AND MFC 1970MC ONLY iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Sending a Fax from Your PC Sending a Quick A Quic_'ax is a cover page only fax with a message. This option is yew useful when you want to fax a quick, short message from your PC. From the Main Menu, select the QuickFax button _ or select QuickFax from the Start pull-down menu.
You can send a fax directly from any Windows¢°application using the following steps: Create the document in a Windows¢°application. /12 Select Brother NIFLFax as your printel: Select the Print command to begin the fax transmission. The Fax Sending dialog box will appear :...
USING THE MULTI;FUNCTION LINK SOFTWARE (FOR MFC 1870MC AND MFC 1970MC ONLY Direct Enter the name and fax number of the recipient or select the Open Phone Book... button and choose a name. Select Close to return to the Send Fax dialog box.
Checklist for the MFC: Thedefaultsetting forMFLinkmodeisPCPRIMARY i n thissettingallfaxes willberoutedintothePCunlessit isnotturnedon. Ifthe PCis turnedoff, incoming faxes,,vill beprintedonthe MFC. TomakesuretheMF LinkmodeissettoPCPRIMARY, press _, {_, {_, Use{_ or{_ to select P CPRIMARY. press_. Press _ toexit. On your PC: Ii1theMain Menu, s elect t heSetup p ull-down m enu. Select P references...
T WAIN s canning. These applications i nclude popular programslikeAdobe p hotoshop, A ldus Pagemakm; CordDrawand manymore. % choose the Brother Multi-Function Link as your scanner drivm; select it under the "Select scanner" or "Select source" option in your software.
CHAPTER FOURTEEN Setthe followingoptionsbased on each document to be scanned, then clickthe SCAN button to start scanning. Resolution Youcan choose oneofthreeresolutions, 200DPISTD, 2 00DPIFINE or 400DPI S.FINE. T hehigherthenumberofdpi(dotsperinch),theclearertheimagewill appearonyourPC. Howevel, the sizeoftheimagefileincreases w iththe dpi. Try scanningatdifferent r esolutions t odetermine thebestresolution foryourneeds. Contrast % havethescanneradjustthecontrastautomaticall},;...
Page 123
(option) For FAX! 570MC iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Ifyouhavea FAX 1570MC youcanpurchasethe optional M ulti-Function L ink package(alsocalled"Missing Link"). Multi-Function L inkturnsyourfax machineintoa multifunction centel, b yenablingyoutouseNut faxmachineas a printerand a scannerand to useit tofaxmessages f romWindows a pplications in Nut computer. Multi-Function L inkis available atmostBrother r etailers.IfNu cannotfindit, youcanorderMulti-Function L inkdirectly fromBrother.
Page 125
Delayed Fax Sendsyour fax at a latertime that day. Distinctive Ring A service purchased from the Telephone Company that provides another phone number on an existing phone line. The Brother FAX! MFCuses thenew numberto simulatea dedicatedfaxline.
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GLOSS A RY ECM (Error Correction Mode) Detects errors during fax transmission and resendsthe page(s)ofthe documentthat had an error. F/T Ring Time The lengthof time the FAX/MFCrings (when the answermode settingis FAX/TEL) t o notifyyou to pickup a voice callthat it answered. Fax Forwarding Sendsa fax receivedin memoryto another preprogrammedfax number.
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GLOSSARY Overseas Mode Makes temporary changes to the fax tones to accommodate noiseand staticonoverseasphone lines. Paging Feature enablesyour fax unit to call your pagerwhen a fax and/ora voice messageis receivedinto its memory. Pause Allows you to placea 3.5 second delay in the dialing sequencestoredon One Touchand SpeedDialnumbers.
Page 128
GLOS S A RY Tone A formof dialingon the telephoneline used for TouchTonetelephones. transmission Theprocess of sendingdocumentsover thephone lines fromyour FAX_FC to the receivingfax machine. User Option List A primedreport that showsthe current settingsof your FAX/ MFC. Xmit Report (Transmission Report) A listingof each transmission,showing callerID, date,time, andnumberof pages.
Page 129
S PE C ! F I CAT ! 0 NS Specifications mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Desktopfacsimiletransceiver Type Compatibility ITU-TSGroup3 Modified Huffman (MH) Coding system 14,400/12,000/9600/7200/4800/2400; AutomaticFallback Modem speed 5.8inches to 8.5 inches (148mm to 216ram) Document input width 8.2inches (208ram) Scanning_rinting width 200Sheets(20 lbs.) Paper Cassette LineThermal with Ribbon...
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Brother B ulletin Board....... 93, 126 Document S izeand Resolution ....31,32 Brother C ustomer S ervice ...... 96,97 126 Double Ringing..........Brother F ax-Back S ystem ....2 0, 93,94, 126 Brother H omePage........93, 126 Easy Receive .......... 28,34,35 Energy StarCompliance ........
Page 132
INDEX Personal Mailbox........65, 73,76 Personal Mailboxmemo ........78 SafetyInstructions........88, 89 Personal MailboxRemoteRetrieval....7 8 Scanning Document ........113 PBXs ..............13 Scroll..............25 Photo ............32, 56 SendingFaxes ............ 43 PIN..............66, 67 SettingUp............. 5 PlayingMessages..........63 Smoothing ........... 27, 37 PollWaiting..........
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Volume ............ 62,63,66 Warranties ............Windows ¢_ 3.1or3.11 ....... 102, 104 Windows ¢_ 95 ..........102, Windows ¢_ NTWorkstation Version 4 .0 ..102, World Wide Web ........93, 103,126...
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NUMBERS Brother Numbers iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Fax-Back System Brother C ustomer S ervice h asinstalledan easy-to-use F ax-Back S ystem, soyou cangetinstantanswers t o commontechnicalquestions a ndproductinformation forallBrother p roducts.Thissystem is available 24hoursa da$;7 daysa week. Youcan usethesystem tosendfaxestoanyfaxmachine,notjusttheonefrom whichyouarecalling IfNu can't resolve difficulty w ithNut FAX/MFC usingthismanual,callour Fax- BackSystem, and follow thevoice promptsto receive faxedinstructions a bout usingthesystem, a nd an indexofFax-Back subjects.
Ordering Accessories Supplies iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii For the bestquality resultsuse only genuine Brother accessories,availableat most Brotherretaileis. If you cannot findthe accessou you need and youhave a Visa, MasterCard, D iscover or AmericanExpresscredit card, youcan order accessories directlyfrom Brother. USA: 1-888-879U232 (voice) 1-800-047-1445 (faa?
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_® Brother International Corporation 100 Somerset Corporate Boulevard P.O.Box 6911 Bridgewater, NJ 08807-0911 Brother International Corporation (Canada) Ltd. 1 rue HStel de Ville, Dollard-des-Ormeaux, QC, CANADA H9B 3H6 Visit us on the World Wide Web These machines are made for use in the USA or CANADA only. We can not recommend...