HP PC Session Allocation Manager (SAM) Client
The Consolidated Client Infrastructure (CCI) solution from HP centralizes computing and storage
resources into easily managed, highly secure data centers, while providing end users the convenience
and familiarity of a traditional environment. Additionally, companies have long used server-based
computing (SBC) to create virtual instances of desktop applications on a server that multiple remote
users can access. HP CCI offers a new alternative for virtualizing the desktop.
Part of the CCI solution is the HP PC Session Allocation Manager (HP SAM), which is an extension of
the HP SAM client.
To access HP SAM, select Start > All Programs.
HP SAM becomes the control point in managing a CCI deployment. Specifically, it manages the
assignment of Microsoft Remote Desktop connections from a user's access device (computer) to
Remote Desktop sessions (blade PCs). Whether the session resides on a dedicated physical blade or
resides together with other sessions on a virtual hardware platform, the HP SAM system can make these
sessions available to users as they are needed.
For more information about PC SAM, go to
TeemNT Terminal Emulation
All computer models include terminal emulation software to support computing on legacy platforms. The
software uses the Telnet protocol to communicate with the computing platform. Refer to the terminal
emulation documentation (supplied separately) for instructions.
To access the TeemNT Connection Wizard and the TeemNT Emulator, select Start > All
Chapter 4 Applications