HP 85027A/B/C General Information
You will find operating and service information for the Hewlett-Packard 85027A,
85027B and 85027C directional bridges in this manual. When the three different bridges
share a common trait or procedure, they will be referred to as the HP 85027. The HP
85027B in its case is illustrated in Figure 1-1. Figure 1-2 shows ail three directional
bridges. The rest of this section describes specifications, supplemental performance
characteristics, safety considerations, instrument identification, description, and other
basic information.
You may order this manual in microfiche form as part number 85027-90002. With the
manual (in 4 x 6 inch microfilm transparency format) you will also receive the latest
manual changes supplement and all pertinent service notes in print form.
Table 1-1 lists the specifications for the HP 85027 directional bridges. The specifications
are performance standards or limits against which the bridges may be tested. Table 1-2
lists supplemental characteristics, non-warranted but typical performance parameters,
useful in test applications.
The voltages in these directional bridges do not warrant more than normal caution for
operator safety.
The CAUTION sign in this manual identifies an operating
procedure or practice which, if not correctly performed, could
damage or destroy the equipment. Do not proceed beyond a
CAUTION sign until you fully understand and meet the
conditions indicated.
You will find a two-part serial number on the bridge. The first four digits and the letter
are the serial number prefix. The last five digits are the sequential suffix which is
unique to each bridge. The contents of this manual apply directly to bridges with the
same serial number prefix as the one on the title page under the heading SERIAL
If the serial prefix of your bridge is not listed on the title page, your instrument is
different from those documented in this manual. The differences are documented in the
yellow manual changes supplement supplied with the manual.