Using the HP E8491B
Though not a common configuration, the HP E1406 command module can
be used in the same mainframe as the HP E8491 to provide HP-IB access to
with the HP E1406
instruments. In this configuration, however, the E8491B must be the
Command Module
mainframe's resource manager. See the section titled "Alternate
Configurations" in Chapter 2, page 19.
The HP I/O Libraries
The software required to use the IEEE 1394 interface in a VXI system is
contained in the HP I/O Libraries and HP VXIplug&play Drivers. The
software supports the Windows 95 and Windows NT platforms.
The software "stack" shown below shows the relationship of the
VXIplug&play drivers to HP VISA/ SICL, to the host adapter drivers, and
to the VXI instruments. Notice that Hewlett-Packard's implementation of
the IEEE 1394 interface requires HP VISA and will not work with the VISA
supplied by other vendors.
Development Environment
(C/C++, Visual BASIC, HP VEE)
HP Universal Instrument
HP VXI plug&play Instrument
HP I_O Libraries
Host Adapter Drivers
VXI Instruments
Figure 4-6. System Software and Drivers.
Most application programs are written using the instruments'
VXIplug&play drivers. The plug&play driver functions make subsequent
calls to the VISA functions and so on. Message-based instruments can be
programmed at the HP VISA / SICL level by embedding SCPI commands
in the HP VISA / SICL functions.
64 IEEE 1394 Fundamentals and Interface Overview
Chapter 4