Remember to relax,
particularly in areas
where muscle
tension often builds,
such as your neck
and shoulders.
Safety & Comfort Guide
Shoulders and Elbows
To minimize muscle tension, your shoulders should be
relaxed, not elevated or drooped
section "Supporting Your
should be placed comfortably in relation to your keyboard
height. Position your elbows in a zone that is near the
height of your keyboard's home row (the row that includes
the letter L). Some find it most comfortable to position
their elbows slightly above the height of the home row and
to set the keyboard slope to the lowest (most flat) position.
Finding Your Comfort Zone
(refer to Chapter 3, in the
Forearms"), and your elbows
Turn your chair to the
side to help
determine if your
elbow height is near
the height of your
keyboard's home row.