Your Safety & Comfort Checklist
Do you rest your eyes frequently by focusing on a
distant point ?
Do you get your eyes examined regularly by a vision
care specialist?
Do you blink enough?
If you wear bifocals, trifocals, or progressive addition
lenses, do you avoid tilting your head back to see the
Have you considered having glasses prescribed that
are specially suited for working with a computer
monitor to avoid awkward postures?
Typing Style
Are you training yourself to lighten up when you find
you are pounding on the keys?
If you are not a touch typist, have you been taking
typing lessons?
Are you training your fingers to relax when you find
them tense, including those not touching the keys and
pointing device, as well as those actively typing and
Do you use your whole arm to reach for keys not
located near the home row?
Safety & Comfort Guide