4.1 Reference matter in market service
4.1.1 SNMP
This module supports SNMP protocol to set and collect various information of this module in other way than print processing.
SNMP agent of this module works on UDP (TCP/IP).
This module supports SNMPv1 and does not support SNMPv3.
Supported MIB:
SNMPv1 agent mounted on this module supports the following MIFs.
- A part of Canon MIB
- A part of Printer MIB (RFC1759)
- A part of TCP/IP MIB (RFC1213)
- A part of HOST MIB (RFC1514)
- A part of Port Monitor MIB
(Link to Printer Port Monitor MIB 1.0 ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/candidates/cs-pmpportmib10-20051025-5107.1.pdf)
Community name:
SNMP supports the following community name.
- "canon_admin"- for Canon administrator
- "canon_user"- for Canon user
- Variable- for general user (2 name)
Community name of variable is 15 characters.
4.1.2 Port Configuration and SNMP Setting
When changing the port configuration on a printer driver UI of client PC, set Use SNMP in the setting of the host machine to ON.
Set ON in the following item; Additional Functions > System Settings > Network Settings > SNMP Settings > Use SNMP.
Make sure that at least one community name is set and, in addition, the corresponding number is set to writable [ON]. And also check that [Printer Mgt Info from
Host] is set to ON and press "Set".
Chapter 4