Preparing Superdome for Booting
Verifying the LAN Connections
Verifying the LAN Connections
Use the following procedure to verify the LAN communications to the Superdome Guardian Service Processor
(GSP) and to the Support Management Station (SMS) GSP. You should check connectivity to the:
Private LAN Port on the Superdome GSP
Customer LAN Port on the Superdome GSP
Private LAN Port on the SMS GSP
Customer LAN Port on the SMS GSP
Use the ping command to verify LAN connectivity., You can use either the customer-provided
PC/Workstation console or your CE tool (laptop).
If you use the PC/Workstation console, use the HP-UX command, ping. For example: /usr/sbin/ping (where is the IP address of the Private LAN port on the GSP).
If you use your CE laptop, use the ping command from the MS-DOS command.
Chapter 3