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6513 climate control climate control electromechanical RS485/RS232 Communications Interface fi ltration fi ltration fl uid & gas handling fl uid & gas handling hydraulics hydraulics pneumatics pneumatics HA466357U001 Issue 7 process control process control Technical Manual sealing & shielding...
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Parker SSD Drives company without written permission from Parker SSD Drives, a division of Parker Hannifin Ltd . Although every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this document it may be necessary, without notice, to make amendments or correct omissions.
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Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors. To the extent that Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized...
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Safety Information Requirements IMPORTANT: Please read this information BEFORE installing the equipment. Intended Users This manual is to be made available to all persons who are required to install, configure or service equipment described herein, or any other associated operation. The information given is intended to highlight safety issues, EMC considerations, and to enable the user to obtain maximum benefit from the equipment.
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Safety Information Hazards DANGER! - Ignoring the following may result in injury 1. This equipment can endanger life by exposure to 5. For measurements use only a meter to IEC 61010 rotating machinery and high voltages. (CAT III or higher). Always begin using the highest range.
Lite (or other suitable easily converted to accommodate the RS485 standard. Modules PC programming tool). are available from Parker SSD Drives to make this conversion. 4. The chosen standard and protocol are compatible with other Eurotherm Group products. Temperature controls, process controls, data loggers and drives can communicate easily with a common supervisory system.
• Software-selectable Slave Address • Direct tag access for all parameters Product Code The Parker SSD Drives’ product is fully identified using an alphanumeric code which records how the product was assembled, and its various settings when despatched from the factory. Product...
ASCII Installation WARNING! Before installing, ensure that the drive and all wiring is electrically isolated and cannot be made “live” unintentionally by other personnel. Wait 5 minutes after disconnecting power before working on any part of the system or removing the covers from the Drive. RS485/RS232 Communication Module (650V Frames 1, 2 &...
ASCII RS485 Communications Option (650V Frames C, D, E & F) You can create a network of drives by linking a Master (PC/PLC) to one or more 650V drives fitted with this additional 3-way terminal. It is factory-fitted to the right hand side of the control board.
ASCII System Recommendations Note: It is possible to make serial communications operate without adhering to the following recommendations, however, the recommendations will promote greater reliability. • An RS485 two-wire system can only be used in a network in which all devices use their tri- state capability.
The Parker SSD Drives protocol group identity address. SET\SERL SE03 COMMS ADDRESS Range: 0 to 255 The Parker SSD Drives protocol unit identity address (UID) or the Modbus node address. Note: if set to 0, it will only respond to broadcast messages. SET\SERL SE04 BAUD RATE Range: Enumerated - see below Selects the Baud Rate for the MODBUS protocol.
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ASCII SET\SERL SE05 PARITY Range: Enumerated - see below Selects the Parity for the MODBUS protocol. Enumerated Value : Parity 0 : NONE 1 : ODD 2 : EVEN SET\SERL SE06 REPLY DELAY Range: 0 to 200 The time in milliseconds between the drive receiving the complete request from the communications master (PLC/PC) and replying to this request.
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ASCII Parameter Descriptions : COMMS CONTROL This block switches between Remote Terminal and Remote Comms operating modes. The drive must be in Remote operating mode for selection to be made - REMOTE mode is enabled in the LOCAL CONTROL function block (REF MODES) or selected by the keypad. SET\SERL SE01 REMOTE COMMS SEL Range: FALSE / TRUE...
ASCII Configuring the PLC/SCADA Supervisor By referring to the Parameter Specification Table in the 650 or 650V Software Product Manual, you can enter the parameter information you require. It provides the information in the following way: Type The first page of the Parameter Specification Table chapter details parameter types. The Type column indicates each parameter's type.
ASCII ASCII Communications The RS485/RS232 Communications Interface supports EI Bisynch ASCII only, not Binary. Note: What Information Can I Transfer? The data transfer sequence in the ASCII mode offers the following facilities: Parameter enquiry (known as polling) a. Single Parameter Poll b.
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ASCII Response to a `Set Parameter’ Message The Drive will respond to a Set Parameter message in one of three ways: 1. Positive Acknowledgement (ACK) 2. Negative Acknowledgement (NAK) 3. No Reply: Under certain circumstances the supervisor may not receive a reply from the Drive.
ASCII Programmer’s Information ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) The RS485 Option communicates using ASCII, a binary code which represents letters, digits, and control signals (collectively called characters). The code, originated by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), has become a world- wide standard for information interchange.
ASCII EI Bisynch ASCII Message Protocol Transmission Standard RS485 Protocol ANSI-X3.28-2.5-B1 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200 Baud Data Rates Character Format 1 start + 7 bit ASCII data + 1 parity + 1 stop bit (10 bits) Even Parity The Protocol defines the string or sequence of characters (called a Message) which must be sent...
ASCII EI Bisynch ASCII Parameter Mapping 1. EI Bisynch ASCII Prime Set The following prime set parameters are supported: Mnemoni Description Range (HEX encoding) Access Instrument Identity >0650, >1650 or >2650 Read Only 0650 = 650 Frames 1, 2 & 3 1650 = 650V Frames 1, 2 &...
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ASCII !3 : Save Command Write-only: used to save the configuration and product code in non-volatile memory. HEX Value Description >0000 Reset Command. Acknowledges (clears) any previous save error. >0001 Saves Configuration to drive’s non-volatile memory. >0100 Saves Product Code to drive’s non-volatile memory. !4 : Save State Read only: used to determine the progress of a non-volatile saving operation.
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ASCII 4. Encoding Type Description Encoding Comments BOOL Boolean FALSE >00 Will accept >0 and >1 TRUE >01 WORD 16-bit Bitstring >0000 to >FFFF Will accept leading zero suppression, except >0 REAL Signed Integer -XXXXX. to XXXXX. Leading zeroes -XXXX.X to XXXX.X suppressed up to digit -XXX.XX to XXX.XX before decimal point.
ASCII Transferring Data - ASCII Example Messages The following examples show how data transfer takes place using the network, they will also help to verify your communications if you using the RS485/RS232 Communications Interface for the first time. Many users will not become involved in generating low-level code, but for those experienced in programming, the examples include ASCII, HEX and Control Character information.
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ASCII Example 2: Tag Access (Single Parameter Poll) Here we ask a question of a single parameter: what is the value of SETPOINT? (Tag 254, SETPOINT, ID 72, Type REAL - see the Parameter Specification Table in the 650 or 650V Software Product Manual for this information) •...
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ASCII Note: Example 3: Tag Access (Continuous Polling of a Parameter) After receiving a valid response (from Example 2), you can cause the drive to repeat that response without having to re-establish the connection. You can use this to continuously monitor a parameter.
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ASCII Example 4: Tag Access (Single Parameter Selection) Here we are writing a value to a single parameter: the value of PRESET INPUT 1 is 30.00%. SET PARAMETER (Tag 348, PRESET INPUT 1, ID 9o, Type REAL - see the Parameter Specification Table in the 650 or 650V Software Product Manual for this information) For software users: Enter the known address of the drive (say 01), (STX), 90, 30.
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ASCII Example 5: Tag Access (Continuous Selection of a Parameter) You can repeat a valid selection (from Example 4) without having to re-establish connection to the drive. You can use this to continuously update a parameter. Lets say the new value is 35. (representing 35.00%).
ASCII Example 6: Tag Access (Sequential Selection) You can also repeat a valid selection (as Example 5) without having to re-establish the connection to the drive to update any other specified parameter. Lets say the next parameter you want to update is DIGITAL INPUT 1 INVERT whose new value is to be TRUE. (Tag 30, DIGITAL INPUT 1 INVERT, ID 0u, Type BOOL - see the Parameter Specification Table in the 650 or 650V Software Product Manual for this information) SET PARAMETER...
ASCII Control Character Definitions when Reading Information (ENQ) Indicates the end of the message, and that it is an enquiry (ACK) Sequential Polling: when transmitted after a valid response, this fetches data from the next parameter in the parameter list (NAK) Continuous Polling: when transmitted after a valid response, this fetches data from the previously requested parameter...
– [1060] OP PORT PROTOCOL – CONTROL function blocks. AUTOMATIC – [1059] P3 PORT PROTOCOL – MODBUS [117] RS485 PROTOCOL – – DSELite is Parker SSD Drives’ FALSE [129] SWITCH OP PORT – – Windows-based block programming FALSE [[90]] SWAP WORD ORDER – –...
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The Parker SSD Drives protocol group identity address. SET\SERL SE03 COMMS ADDRESS Range: 0 to 255 The Parker SSD Drives protocol unit identity address or the Modbus node address. Note: if set to 0, it will only respond to broadcast messages. SET\SERL SE04 BAUD RATE Range: Enumerated - see below Selects the Baud Rate for the MODBUS protocol.
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MODBUS SET\SERL SE06 OP PORT PROTOCOL Range: Enumerated - see below Selects the protocol to be used by the keypad port on the front of the drive. When EIBISYNC ASCII is selected, BAUD RATE is 19200 and PARITY is EVEN. Enumerated Value : Protocol 0 : AUTOMATIC - checks for keypad or EI ASCII 1 : KEYPAD...
MODBUS Configuring the PLC/SCADA Supervisor By referring to the Parameter Specification Table in the 650 or 650V Software Product Manual, you can enter the parameter information you require. It provides the information in the following way: Type The first page of the Parameter Specification Table chapter details parameter types. The Type column indicates each parameter's type.
A start bit, eight data bits, a parity bit, one or two stop bits All Parker SSD Drives’ units use one stop bit. Parity may be configured to be NONE, ODD or EVEN (if NONE, no parity bit is transmitted)
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MODBUS The CRC code is formed by the following steps: 1. Load a 16-bit CRC register with FFFFh. 2. Exclusive OR ( ) the first 8-bit byte of the message with the high order byte of the CRC register. Return the result to the CRC register. 3.
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MODBUS Example of a CRC Calculation This example is a request to read from the Slave unit at address 02, the fast read of the status (07). Function 16 Bit Register Carry Flag Load register with FFFF hex 1111 1111 1111 1111 First byte of the message (02)
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MODBUS Example of a CRC Calculation in the “C” Language This routine assumes that the data types “uint16” and “uint8” exist. These are unsigned 16 bit integer (usually an “unsigned short int” for most compiler types) and unsigned 8 bit integer (unsigned char).
MODBUS Function Codes Function codes are a single byte instruction to the Slave describing the action to perform. The following communication functions are supported by Parker SSD Drives’ units: Function Code Function 01 or 02 Read n bits 03 or 04...
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MODBUS Read n Words Function Code: 03 or 04, (03h or 04h) Command: Device Address Function Code Address of Number of 03 or 04 1st word words to read 1 byte 1 byte The maximum number of words that may be read is 32. Reply: Device Function Code...
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MODBUS Write 1 Bit Function Code: 05, (05h) Command: Device Address Function Code Address of bit Value of bit 1 byte 1 byte The LSB of “Value of bit” is always set to 00. The MSB is used to write the value of the addresses bit.
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MODBUS Write 1 Word Function Code: 06, (06h) Command: Device Address Function Code Address of word Value of word 1 byte 1 byte A device address 00 will broadcast the data to all devices on the network. Reply: (There will be no reply to a command broadcast to the device address 00.) Device Address Function Code Address of word...
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MODBUS Diagnostic Loopback Function Code: 08, (08h) This function provides a means of testing the communications link by means of a “loopback” operation. The data sent to the unit is returned unchanged. Only diagnostic code 0 from the Gould Modicon Specification is supported. Command: Device Address Function Code...
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MODBUS Write n Bits Function Code: 15, (0Fh) Command: Device Function Code Address of Number of Number of Data Address 1st word bits to write data bytes 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte n bytes MSB The maximum number of bits that may can be transmitted is 512. A device address 00 will broadcast the data to all devices on the network.
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MODBUS Write n Words Function Code: 16, (10h) Command: Device Function Code Address of Number of Number of Data Address 1st word words to data bytes write 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte n bytes MSB The maximum number of words that may can be transmitted is 32. The first 2 bytes are data with the required value of the first parameter, MSB first.
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The Function Code byte contains the transmitted function code but with the most significant bit set to 1. (This is the result of adding 128 to the function code.) The error response code indicates the type of error detected. The following error response codes are supported by Parker SSD Drives’ units: Code Error...
MODBUS Typical Transmission Line Activity This diagram illustrates a typical sequence of events on a Modbus transmission line. Activity To Slave 1 To Slave n Broadcast Master Reply Slave 1 Reply Slave n Master Slave 1 Master Slave n Master Network Time Period “a”...
MODBUS MODBUS RTU Parameter Mapping 1. MODBUS RTU Prime Set Mnemonic Description Range (HEX values) Access 9901 Instrument Identity 0650, 1650 or 2650 Read Only 0650 = 650 Frames 1, 2 & 3 1650 = 650V Frames 1, 2 & 3 2650 = 650V Frames C, D, E &...
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MODBUS !3 : Save Command Write-only: used to save the configuration and product code in non-volatile memory. HEX Value Description 0000 Reset Command. Acknowledges (clears) any previous save error. 0001 Saves Configuration to drive’s non-volatile memory. 0100 Saves Product Code to drive’s non-volatile memory. !4 : Save State Read only: used to determine the progress of a non-volatile saving operation.
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MODBUS Data types Data Type 32-bit fixed point Boolean 32 bit integer 16 bit word Null terminated character string. Write Qualifiers Qualifier Description Parameter is writable Parameter may only be written to when the drive is in comfiguration mode Parameter is read-only. 6.
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• Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Quatar • Romania • Russia • Saudi Arabia • Singapore • Slovenia • Slovakia • South Africa • Spain • Sri Lanka • Sweden • Switzerland • Taiwan • Turkey • United Arab Emirates * Vietnam • Zimbabwe Parker Hannifi n Ltd., Automation Group, SSD Drives Europe New Courtwick Lane, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 7RZ United Kingdom.