Check the server.
Transmission has failed.
Transmission has failed.
Transmission has failed.
Check the server.
Check the server.
Check the server.
Check the server.
Check the server.
Check the server.
Check the server.
Check the server.
Transmission has failed.
Check the address.
Service Call error (E749-0003) E749-0003
4.4 Related Service Mode
4.4.1 Invalidating the License for Transfer to a Different Device (Level 2)
Service Mode Item Used to Invalidate a License for Transfer to a Different Device (Level 2)
Possible Situation
A license may be used on a different device through transfer, as when replacing the device at the end of a lease agreement. To do so, the user must first invalidate
the existing license by performing a set of steps referred to as "invalidation of a license" using service mode. At times, both source and target of transfer may be the
same device, and a license therefore may also be invalidated only temporarily. It is important to note that the user must contact the Sales Company to make a license
good regardless of whether it has been invalidated intentionally or inadvertently.
Invalidation Procedure
Invalidation consists in invalidating the license in service mode and generating an invalidation certificate that proves the completion of invalidation. Invalidation
may take place for individual optional functions, and a specific function becomes no longer available as soon as an invalidation certificate is issued. The user con-
tacts the Sales Company and provides the following: the invalidation certificate, the device serial number of the source of transfer, the device serial number of the
The HTTP response is 405 (Method Not Allowed).
The resource indicated in the URI does not permit the use of the method.
The HTTP response is 407 (Proxy Authentication Required).
The attempt for authentication with the proxy server has failed.
The HTTP response is 411 (Length Required).
The server rejected a request without a defined content length.
It may also have rejected the use of chunk transmission.
The HTTP response is 413 (Request Entity Too Large).
The request entity is larger than that assumed by the server or is capable
of processing, thus causing the server to reject the request.
The HTTP response is 414 (Request URI Too Long).
The request URI is longer than that assumed by the server for intermediate
processing, thus causing the server to reject the request.
The HTTP response is 500 (Internal Server Error).
The server has encountered a situation that prevents the execution of the
request and that it cannot predict.
HTTP response is 506(Variant Also Negotiates).
HTTP response is 510 (Not Extended).
The HTTP response is 501 (Not Implemented).
The request needs a function that the server does not support yet needed
for execution.
The HTTP response is 502 (Bad Gateway).
The proxy has received an illegal response from a server located upstream.
The HTTP response is 503 (Service Unavailable).
The server has a temporary overload condition or is not capable of
handling a request because of maintenance.
The HTTP response is 504 (Gateway Timeout).
The proxy has sent the request to the server located upstream, but has
failed to receive a response.
The HTTP response is 505 (HTTP Version Not Supported).
The server does not support the HTTP protocol version used by the request
message, or it has rejected the support in question.
The HTTP response is 506 (Variation Also Negotiates).
The HTTP response is 510 (Not Extended).
The HTTP response is 507 (Insufficient Storage).
The server has failed to make available a specific amount of memory to
process the request.
The WebDAV server or the proxy has returned an unexpected status code. Check the address.
The HTTP response is 400 (Bad Request).
There is a syntax error.
This response is indicated when chunk transmission is attempted to ISA in
non-SSL mode.
E749-003 boot command in conjunction with an mAccele configuration
Chapter 4
Check the server settings.
In user mode, check the proxy
In user mode, disable (OFF) the
following: 'use chunk division
transmission for WebDAV'.
Check the server settings.
Check the server settings.
Check the server settings.
Check the server settings.
Check the server settings.
Check the server settings.
Check the server settings.
Check the server settings.
Check the server settings.
Check the server settings.
Check the proxy settings.
Check the server settings.
If it is a non-SSL communication
and is by way of a proxy, disable
(OFF) the following: transmission/
reception setup>transmission
Reset the power (by turning it off
and then back on).