Errors Often Occur When Send a Fax
Check telephone line condition or connection.
If errors occur frequently when using an Internet telephone, it is possible that they can be reduced by selecting
Reduce for Error reduction (VoIP) on Advanced fax settings under Fax settings.
For details, see Error reduction (VoIP).
Fax settings
• If selecting Reduce does not reduce errors, select Do not reduce.
In addition, when using an Internet telephone, it is possible that errors occur more often if 4800 bps or 9600 bps
is selected for TX start speed. Select 14400 bps or 33600 bps.
If the telephone line or connection is poor when using a general telephone, reducing the transmission start speed
may correct the error.
Reduce the transmission start speed on TX start speed in Adv. communication settings in Advanced fax
settings under Fax settings.
Fax settings